They need you now more than ever before.
We’re taking a holistic approach with partners to give her that chance.
Program Overview
Elephants need wide open spaces and protection from poachers. Learn more by watching the video at left, or make an immediate impact by texting "elephants" to 50555 to give $10.
In September 2015, ecologists took to the sky to get a better picture of the state of elephants in Zambia as part of the Great Elephant Census.
Could elephants, with their complex mental maps of rivers, forests and fertile grassland, contribute to smarter growth for Kenya? With a little help from TNC’s scientists and movement data from Save the Elephants, we can make this happen.
The African bush elephant is the largest land mammal in the world, but habitat destruction and poaching pose major threats to species survival.
Support our work to protect elephants.