Press Release
Montenegro takes significant step toward achieving 50% renewable energy target by 2030
A new cooperation between the Ministry of Energy, The Nature Conservancy and Eco-team will identify areas where renewable energy can be accelerated in harmony with nature and communities.
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European Finance for Global Conservation
Public and private funding from Europe goes to support some of TNC's most innovative global strategies to combat climate change and protect nature.
Nature Bonds
TNC’s Nature Bonds Program combines debt refinancing, science, planning and policy to help countries protect ecosystems and support communities. Learn more
Africa Forest Carbon Catalyst
Africa has one-fifth of the planet’s remaining forests but is losing them faster than anywhere else. Better protection and restoration of these forest landscapes could reduce or remove 1 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide annually. Learn more
Regenerative Ranching and Agriculture in Latin America
Latin America is one of the most important regions globally in terms of food security. TNC is working to address current agricultural challenges, protect ecosystems, and build resilience in this crucial region. Learn more
Connect with us
The Nature Conservancy has offices in three key European hubs—Berlin, London and Brussels. Find out how you can contact our team of experts across Europe and meet our European Council for Global Conservation.