

United States


A pink lady slipper orchid blooming in a forest.
Pink Lady Slipper Pink lady slippers grow in wooded or semi-wooded habitats and bloom primarily in early spring. © Steve S. Meyer

Make a Difference in Wisconsin

For 60 years, people like you have helped The Nature Conservancy protect more than 243,069 acres of Wisconsin’s quiet lakes, Northwoods forests, winding rivers and sun-kissed prairies. We’re building on that legacy and bringing people together to help solve today’s biggest conservation challenges from climate change and habitat loss to protecting clean water. Together we’re stronger!

See the Places We Protect in Your Community

From lakeshores and wetlands to woods and prairies, TNC is protecting more than 243,069 acres of Wisconsin's most beautiful and biodiverse areas. Learn more about our preserves and plan your visit today!

A stream running through a forest in summer.
Ferns growing in a forest in summer.
Trees in autumn color around the shore of Lulu Lake.
A blue sky with white clouds is reflected on the still waters of Mink River with green trees on the far side of the lake.
Grasslands with blooming blazing star and other prairie flowers gradually turn into rolling hills in the background against a blue sky.
A young person holds a white bag and kneels in a field to pull weeds.
Pulling invasive plants: A student volunteer pulls up garlic mustard. © Lainet Garcia-Rivera/TNC