Why TNC Selected This Site
This site was selected to preserve the federally endangered Morefield's leatherflower.
What TNC is Doing
Future plans for this preserve include maintenance, inventory, monitoring, and trail maintenance.
Why You Should Visit
As you step on the trail at Keel Mountain Preserve, you are immediately immersed in a forest of oak, hickory, smoketree, and cedar. Ruggedly beautiful limestone bluffs are spotted with sinkholes and glade-like openings. The creek beds at this preserve can run high, or run dry very quickly according to the local rainfalls. A small waterfall flowing into a sinkhole has been dubbed by local residents as the "lost sink."
The area is home to the federally endangered Morefield's leather flower, a unique and little known plant; it has been found in only six populations (all located within the Huntsville Mountains).