Kosrae island, Micronesia Two women wade through the water at low tide on the inner reef of a small island just off of Walalung Village, Kosrae island, Micronesia. © Nick Hall

Stories in Papua New Guinea & the Solomon Islands

Climate Change in the Pacific

The Nature Conservancy is focused on using readily available, cost-effective natural climate solutions to tackle climate change.

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in the Pacific Islands.

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Climate change is transforming the ecological and cultural fabric of Pacific Island nations in rapid and alarming fashion. This is a daunting challenge with no one-size-fits-all solution. But there is hope: Informed by our science and nearly 30 years’ experience here, we are building the capacity of governments and communities across the Pacific to fight back.

From creating new marine sanctuary networks to restoring mangroves that serve as natural barriers to storm surges, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) develops conservation strategies in partnership with government, local community organizations and a growing number of women conservation leaders throughout the islands to achieve real results. 

In addition to our partners, we know that nature itself plays a key role in solving the challenges of climate change. TNC's science shows that natural climate solutions—based on the conservation, restoration and management of forests, grasslands and wetlands—can deliver up to 37 percent of global emission reductions needed by 2030.

Using science, traditional knowledge and community input, we identify critical areas for conservation and use nature-based solutions, such as restoring mangroves, to protect nature and people.

We also focus on policy changes at the local and national level. In Manus and West New Britain, provinces of Papua New Guinea, we worked with the sub-national government and communities to establish mangrove policies that will guide communities and governments in the sustainable management of mangroves.

To help us continue to work on climate change solutions, we need additional funding from people like you.

Dive Deeper

  • Natural Climate Solutions

    New research from Nature Conservancy scientists and their partners shows we have vastly underestimated the potential for nature to fight climate change. Read more.