Building a Sustainable Southeast Asia through Nature-based Solutions
The SCeNe Coalition aims to deliver benefits for nature, climate and people.

About the SCeNe Coalition
The Southeast Asia Climate and Nature-based Solutions (SCeNe) Coalition is a collaboration between nine leading non-governmental organizations with an established presence in Southeast Asia aimed at supporting local frontline organizations* (FOs) to accelerate and scale up high-quality, high-integrity, triple-benefit Nature-based Solutions (NbS) across the region.
Coalition members have decades of experience in Southeast Asia and include independent, science-based organizations: Conservation International (CI) , The Nature Conservancy (TNC), IDH - the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), Birdlife International, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Mandai Nature, World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia, Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia the Pacific (RECOFTC) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Singapore.
Quote: Will McGoldrick
The successful implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) is crucial in addressing the climate crisis we urgently face today.
Why Now?
NbS offer a host of practical benefits. They protect biodiversity, valuable habitat and ecosystem functions that reduce our vulnerability to climate disasters while providing food security and jobs.
However, NbS projects will succeed only if there is effective implementation and monitoring of the activities on the ground. The role of FOs in carbon projects is crucial for ensuring integrity and durability of project outcomes. Many FOs in Southeast Asia see the value of NbS but lack the expertise and networks to develop NbS projects and access carbon finance and markets.
SCeNe will help bridge this gap by supporting FOs to identify landscapes that have the highest potential to deliver climate, nature and community “triple benefits” through protection, sustainable use and restoration.
*May include local and national NGOs, community-based organisations, associations of indigenous communities, smallholder cooperatives and farmers’ groups, country offices of international NGOs.
Helping Nature to Do Its Job
The SCeNe Coalition is focused on three main workstreams:
NbS Tool
Supports FOs in developing high-quality, triple-benefit NbS projects, including analyzing and providing data and information, creating project documentation and showcasing these projects to investors. Explore the Tool
NbS Portfolio
Showcases high-integrity, triple-benefit NbS projects in the region to help direct market demand and climate finance. The Portfolio is also developing a guidance document that provides definition on what constitutes high-quality triple-benefit NbS projects to guide FOs and project developers and inform the market.