COP27: The Challenge of Achieving Goals and Commitments
Countries meet at the Climate Conference on the African continent, with the challenge of following up on last year's announcements.
On November 6-18, representatives from nearly 200 countries will meet to coordinate global actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change during the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27). The climate COP is an annual meeting of representatives from almost every country on the planet to negotiate global targets for fighting climate change, as well as for presenting each country's plans for contributing to those targets and report on their progress. This year's meeting will be held in the city of Sharm al Sheikh, Egypt. The 2021 COP in Glasgow, UK resulted in major announcements and new climate targets (Find out more here). Now, countries must dedicate themselves to finding solutions to meet the commitments they have made –including, above all, how they will fund climate actions.
Therefore, the great challenge of COP27 is, ultimately, to achieve climate goals and commitments.
An opportunity to invest in nature
We cannot keep the climate within safe limits without transitioning to clean energy sources, but we also cannot achieve that goal if we do not invest more in nature. Natural habitats can absorb and store large amounts of carbon. By protecting, restoring and better managing our lands and wetlands, we could contribute to one-third of the required emission reductions for limiting global warming and keeping the climate within safe limits. Nature is also a powerful ally in our adaptation efforts. Habitats such as coral reefs, mangroves and swamps reduce the force of storms, flooding and erosion, helping to protect coastal communities. Expanding space for nature within cities can reduce dangerous heat waves and absorb floodwaters. In addition, investing in nature is a way to ensure cleaner air and water, healthier soils and many other benefits for people and the environment.
Despite so many benefits, nature-based solutions receive less than 10% of all climate funding. So the TNC team will be at COP27 face-to-face, following government and business leaders' negotiations advocating for natural climate solutions and offering our practical and scientific expertise to help put such solutions into action. We will also work to ensure that indigenous and local community voices are heard, as these are the people who best know how to work with nature.
Climate adaptation is how the world changes and adapts in response to the effects of climate change. Actions that aim at adaptation are different from those that seek to mitigate emissions –which is what we do to avoid more emissions and, therefore, worsening climate change.
To date, adaptation efforts have received much less funding than mitigation. But as the world faces storms, floods, fires and other weather-driven disasters with increasing frequency and intensity, it is clear that we need to focus on adaptation efforts toprotect vulnerable people and regions from the impacts of climate change.
Climate-caused disasters are disproportionately harming low-and middle-income countries. Historically, these countries have emitted far fewer greenhouse gases than countries in the global north, yet they are those who have suffered more severe consequences. The UN has proposed that richer countries pay “loss and damage” funds to compensate developing countries for the damage they have already suffered and to fund new adaptation efforts.
So far, only Denmark has formally committed to these funds, but its declaration could inspire other countries to step up and make commitments at COP27.
Six years ago, at COP21, world leaders announced the Paris Agreement, a commitment to keeping global warming well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, while at the same time making efforts to limit the rise of the average temperature to 1.5°C. This is the goal that scientists agree will substantially reduce the harmful effects of climate change.
However, we are still not on track to achieve this target, even if all countries manage to reduce their national emissions to the levels they have promised. While countries are not expected to share updated targets this year, it is possible that some more ambitious commitments will be announced as world leaders accelerate their climate plans to meet the urgency of this moment.
TNC Brasil's expectations for COP27
Commitments and goals that this year's conference will have to achieve.
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COP 27 Agenda
November 8
Brazil Climate Action Hub (Bluezone)
Live streaming by
The role of women in the climate agenda will open the debates in the civil society space at COP 27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The “Women in Climate Action” panel, led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Brazil and Observatório do Clima, EmpoderaClima and Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), will bring together female leaders at the forefront of youth movements, traditional communities, businesses, and civil society to share successful experiences in fighting climate change and debate the challenges and strategies to keep forests standing and contribute to the objective of limiting the increase in global temperature to 1.5°C by the end of the century.
Val Munduruku
Ana Rosa, diretora-executiva da Engajamundo e ponto focal de engajamento nacional da EmpoderaClima
Denise Hills, Director of Global Sustainability , Natura&Co Latam
Karen Oliveira, Diretora de Políticas Públicas e Relações Governamentais da TNC Brasil
Selma Dealdina, CONAQ
Andreia Coutinho, especialista em Justiça Climática
Sheila de Carvalho do Instituto Peregum e da Coalizão Negra por Direitos
Richenda Van Leeuwen, ANDE (participação remota)
November 9
9:00-10:00 am
Nature Pavilion (Bluezone)
Live streaming via the nature Pavilion website (to be announced)
This event will highlight Indigenous-led funding mechanisms as effective and equitable platforms for driving climate finance toward the most impactful interventions on the ground for protecting biodiversity, mitigating climate change, and providing sustainable livelihood opportunities. The event will feature two leading funds, the SeaCoast Trust in Alaska and the Podaali Fund in Brazil, with Indigenous representatives from each sharing stories about how the funds work, what their impact has been to date, and what their outstanding needs and challenges are. They will share progress in accessing and utilizing climate funding to date and enter into dialogue to discuss and identify ways to improve, decolonize, accelerate, and scale climate finance opportunities for IPLCs
Moderator: Tyson Atleo (TNC Affiliate in Canada)
Alana Peterson, Director of Spruce Root
Sineia do Vale, Podaáli Fund
Africa speaker TBC
November 10
Legal Amazon Hub
Live streaming TBC
Gladson Cameli (Government of Acre)
Karen Oliveira, TNC Brazil
Mônica de Los Rios, Earth Innovation
Conservation International
Virgílio Viana, FAZ
André Guimarães, IPAM
Marcelo Furtado, Brazilian Coalition on Climate Forests and Agriculture
November 12
Brazil Climate Action Hub (Bluezone)
Live streaming by
Restoring ecosystems benefits not only the environment, but also society and the economy. With an eye on this potential, companies are making restoration possible in practice, allied to their business models, which has increasingly attracted the attention of investors. The panel will present real examples of companies, rural producers and investors that are betting on this agenda and the enormous socioeconomic potential of the sector for Brazil and the world.
Karen Oliveira, TNC Brazil
Juliana Tinoco, Partnerships for Forests (P4F)
José Pugas, JGP Asset Management
Osvaldo Stella Martins, Iniciativa Verde / No Carbon Milk
Rosely Dias, Rural Producer at São Félix do Xingu, Pará
Pedro Paulo Diniz, Fazenda da Toca
November 12
Brazil Climate Action Hub (Bluezone)
Live streaming by
O REDD+ é um instrumento financeiro estratégico para a conservação, manejo sustentável e aumento das reservas de carbono florestal, com um grande potencial para o mercado de carbono e financiamento climático internacional a países em desenvolvimento, de forma a promover as abordagens políticas e incentivos positivos e de abordagens políticas alternativas conjuntas de mitigação e adaptação para a gestão integral e sustentável das florestas. O painel apresentará diferentes perspectivas de estruturação, implementação, aprimoramento e potenciais deste instrumento para a conservação das florestas tropicais e geração de co-benefícios para as populações que nela residem.
Mauro O' de Almeida, secretary of environment of the government of Pará
Crisanto Xavante, FEPOIMT
Juliana Santiago, Emergent/LEAF
Pedro Moura Costa, Sustainable Investment Management
Gabriela Savian, IPAM
November 14
15:00 - 15:50
Park Regency Hotel
Live streaming TBC
Adaptação e resiliência às mudanças climáticas são cruciais para todas as partes e, em particular, para os países em desenvolvimento. Os relatórios do IPCC destacaram os impactos devastadores sofridos por muitos países em todo o mundo, e apontaram para o fato de que não estamos no caminho certo para lidar com os impactos climáticos atuais, além do fato de não estarmos preparados para os eventos climáticos extremos que estão aumentando em número e intensidade.
Em uma época de crescente insegurança alimentar é importante ter discussões profundas sobre maneiras de lidar com a segurança alimentar, aumentar a produtividade agrícola, reduzir as perdas na cadeia de produção de alimentos, aumentar a resiliência e os meios de subsistência dos pequenos agricultores, garantir medidas de segurança alimentar e gerir eventuais crises alimentares. O painel discutirá perdas e danos, soluções para aumentar a resiliência da agricultura e dos sistemas alimentares aos impactos climáticos adversos, como as secas e inundações.Speakers:
Keynote Speaker: Alberto Carrillo, CTO da SBTi (TBC)
Moderação: Karen Oliveira, TNC Brazil
Representante Citrosuco
Representante AMBEV
Representante Marfrig
Representante Bayer
November 15
17:10 – 17h45
Brazil Climate Action Hub
Live streaming TBC
Speakers:Governador Helder Barbalho, Pará
Marcelo Pasquini, Head of sustainability, Bradesco
José Otavio Passos, TNC Brazil
November 15
Water Pavilion (Bluezone)
Live streaming TBC
There is no “climate-secure” world without an ecologically secure world. This session will explore opportunities for increased investment in nature-based solutions to protect global freshwater ecosystems, including new approaches and tools at multiple scales.
Fred Kihara, TNC Africa - Moderator
Dr Susan Chomba, WRI
German Gov’t or GIZ speaker (TBC)
Ms Agnes Yobterik, Kenya Ministry of Env.
Mr Likolo Namushi, AWARE Zambia
Eduardo Trani - Subsecretary for the Environment of the Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo
Juan Carlos Torrico - Autoridad Plurinacional de la Madre Tierra, Bolivia (APMT, TBC)
November 16
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Youth Pavilion (Bluezone)
Live streaming by
In order to expand their voice, several young indigenous communicators from the Amazon have used communication as a tool to fight for rights, producing video, images, audios and articles for websites and social networks of indigenous organizations.
The debate will bring together some of these young communicators to share their experience. As an example of action, the young people will comment on the coverage of Acampamento Terra Livre (ATL), one of the most important moments of the indigenous agenda in Brazil. In 2022, the ATL brought together more than 8,000 people from 200 indigenous peoples from the five regions of the country for demonstrations and activities related to confronting the anti-indigenous agenda, indigenous health and education, and the protagonism of women and indigenous youth.
Alana Manchineri, communicator at the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB)
Kaianaku Kamaiurá, communicator at the Federation of Indigenous Peoples of Mato Grosso (FEPOIMT)
Cristian Wari’u Tseremey’wa, communicator at the Federation of Indigenous Peoples of Mato Grosso (FEPOIMT)
Vanessa Apurinã, Coordinator Secretariat of the Organization of Apurinã and Jamamadi Indigenous Peoples (OPIAJ)
Maria Clara Calle, France 24 Latim America, journalist (moderator)
November 16
15:00 – 16:15
Live streaming TBC
Pará State in Brazil is committed to achieving net zero forests and land use emissions by 2036. In order to achieve this goal, deforestation must be dramatically reduced, and 5.6 million hectares of forests must be restored until 2030. Pará is developing a Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) Program to incentivize forest conservation and restoration. This PES program will generate economic opportunities, channeling private and public resources to foster a low carbon economic development.
The IDB's Amazon Initiative has recently approved a project in the state of Pará, with the objective of creating an innovative public policy instrument that will enable the State to have a payment for environmental services mechanism and allow the mobilization of climate finance towards the protection of the Amazon. The IDB project will provide finance for designing and implementing a pilot platform that will be escalated in subsequent stages.
This critical project will assist the state of Pará in its efforts to address long-term sustained mobilization to finance the Pará Amazônia Agora State Plan (PEAA), a vital public policy instrument to deliver sustainable economic development and reduce deforestation in the Amazon region.
José Otavio Passos (Amazon Director, The Nature Conservancy Brazil)
Helder Barbalho (Governor of Pará, Brazil)
Tatiana Schor (Chief, Amazon Coordination Unit, IDB)
Denise Hills, Global Director of Sustainability at Natura&Co Latam
Mariana Barbosa, Legal Director for Institutional Relations or Bernardo Strassburg - Founder & CEO re-green
Karla Braga - Director of Sustainability and Climate Change at the Amazon Youth Cooperation for Sustainable Development (COJOVEM)
November 17
11:00 am -12:00 pm
Nature Pavilion
Live streaming via the Nature Pavilion website (to be announced)
Funding for REDD+ results has increased in recent years with a growing recognition of jurisdictional approaches. This year the first REDD+ jurisdictional programs have started receiving payments, and the increased interest has created multiple pathways for implementing and financing REDD+. This event will highlight government experience implementing jurisdictional programs and look at tools to help additional countries understand which program is best for them.
Beatriz Graziera, TNC Brazil
Mauro O' de Almeida, secretary of environment of the government of Pará
Roselyn Fosuah Adjei, Director, Climate Change at Ghana's Forestry Commission
Puyr Tembé, executive Director of FEPIPA, Brazil
Daniel Kandy, State Department, US Government
November 18
SDG pavilion
Live streaming via SDG Pavilion website (to be announced)
Debates on how to best promote tropical forest conservation—and meaningful local involvement in these efforts—has never been more timely or important. But conservation efforts, from carbon markets to community-based conservation to ground up representation and participation in climate change mitigation are complex and often tenuous, particularly when they aim to promote meaningful and effective involvement from Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs). This session will highlight particular cases that feature local, nature-based solutions for fighting climate change. From traditional land and watershed management to more recent efforts to generate income for IPLCs through projects or programs, the panel features effective processes and practices that feature the perspectives of IPLCs and their partners and present lessons learned for moving forward, together, to address the global challenge of climate change. Jill Blockhus will moderate this session.
Jill Blockhus, TNC Brazil
Others speakers – TBC
TNC Brasil and Partners Projects and Initiatives
TNC Brasil has been active in Brazil's conservation agenda for over 30 years. Check out below some of our main strategies for fighting the climate crisis:
Projects and initiatives
Launched at COP 26 in Glasgow in November 2021, the Innovative Finance for the Amazon, Cerrado and Chaco (IFACC) announced an initial commitment of $3 billion to lending and investment mechanisms for deforestation-and-conversion-free (DCF) soy and cattle production in South America, to be disbursed by 2025. One year after launch, IFACC commitments have gone up to $4.2 billion and signatories now comprise 13 financial institutions and agribusiness companies - &Green Fund, AGRI3, DuAgro, Grupo Gaia, JGP Asset Management, Syngenta, Sustainable Investment Management, VERT, Mauá Capital, 3J Capital, OPEA, Agrogalaxy, and AgDev. IFACC is also working with additional financial institutions and companies who have not formally joined the initiative to increase capital flows towards DCF agriculture.
Over the past 10 months, several IFACC-aligned products have been launched, and we expect disbursements to exceed $100 million by the end of the year. The initiative also released its “Finance for a Forest Positive Future” report, Impact Monitoring Guide and has supported over 20 financial institutions in Brazil with training on the development of innovative financial solutions.
TNC has defined four priority landscapes around the world as the focus of its work, and the Amazon is one of them, in addition to Kenya, Borneo, and the Appalachians (USA). Among the factors that led TNC to make those choices are the potential those regions have to provide globally significant contributions to our conservation outcomes, their high relevance to biodiversity and carbon, and their potential to inspire new levels of engagement and support.
In the Brazilian Amazon, Pará state is the main region where TNC works. Pará is home to nine percent of the world's forests and, at the same time, is the leading Brazilian state in deforestation and carbon emissions.
TNC works collaboratively and through a systemic approach with Indigenous Peoples, Quilombolas, those in extractivist activities, traditional communities, rural producers, governments, the private sector, and civil society to tackle current challenges that demand integrated and sustainable solutions.
Announced at COP25 in 2019, the Amazon Now State Plan (PEAA in Portuguese) was launched by the government of Pará at an event promoted by TNC. The PEAA is part of a strategy to strengthen subnational management of the Brazilian Amazon and enable the implementation of public policies aimed at a low-carbon economy.
The Plan comprises two crucial pillars: financing—via the Eastern Amazon Fund —and territorial governance—through the Policy for Integrated Action in Sustainable Territories. Learn more about in this article.
Around 40 percent of deforestation in the Amazon happens in small rural properties, primarily due to extensive and low-technology livestock activities.
But the Forest Cocoa Project has been proving that deforestation is not the only path those producers can take. Cocoa agroforests can generate more income, recover degraded areas, and ensure long-term land sustainability. Learn more about the project that involves more than 300 rural family producers in the Pará municipalities of São Félix do Xingu and Tucumã.
TNC, in partnership with Amazon, Inc. and World Agroforestry (ICRAF), launched the Agroforestry and Restoration Accelerator initiative in 2021. The project seeks to generate quality carbon credits, attract investments, and innovate by creating a business model that is scalable and replicable in other regions and can boost agroforestry systems and ecological restoration.
The initiative is committed to engaging up to 3,000 families and will help family farmers who currently have degraded or unproductive areas migrate to agroforestry system arrangements. Those will be based on crops of cocoa and other native Amazon species, such as açaí, which has high market demand and attractive profitability.
Recovering those areas should involve 18,000 hectares and remove 9.6 million tons of carbon from the atmosphere in 30 years, in three territories: Southeastern Pará, the Trans Amazon Highway region, and northeastern Pará. Learn more here.
In collaboration with the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA) and the Lower Amazon Fishers' Movement (MOPEBAM), the Tapajós Waters project works in partnership with traditional communities for the conservation of the Tapajós River basin in western Pará. The project aims to contribute to local development, increasing knowledge about the sustainable use of aquatic resources and conserving freshwater biodiversity in the region. Additionally, it supports the organizing of riverine communities, their governance, community management, and territorial planning to expand their participation and voice along with those of other stakeholders in the region.
The main partners and beneficiaries of this project are the riverine communities that practice traditional fishing and depend on the basin's resources for their survival and productive activity. Learn more here.
In the Atlantic Forest's Mantiqueira region, TNC promotes and develops the Payment for Environmental Services (PES) model as one of the tools to achieve its restoration and conservation objectives.
One hundred thousand hectares have been restored in the Atlantic Forest, 7,000 of them by TNC. As of 2021, those restored areas removed more than nine million megatons of CO2 from the atmosphere. Learn more.
Through the Restaura Brasil campaign, TNC mobilizes people and companies in a collective movement that supports native-vegetation restoration to restore one billion trees in 400,000 hectares in the country by 2030.
Donate trees and help Brazil achieve its restoration goal at the pace and scale needed by the country and world. Learn more.
In partnership with the IDB and Natura, TNC recently launched the study "The Bioeconomy of Socio-biodiversity in the State of Pará," which illustrates the size of that market. In 2019 alone, socio-biodiversity in Pará generated a GDP of US $957 million. If the public policies recommended by the study are adopted, the GDP could reach US $30 billion in 2040.
Those data were not considered in official statistics, which don't measure the value of this market in all the links of the chain. More than 70% of Pará's forests are under the management of traditional communities (Indigenous Lands, extractive reserves, Quilombola territories, and conservation units). TNC supports communities so that their economic projects for the sustainable use of natural resources in their territories can be valued and strengthened. Check out the Executive Summary and the complete Study here.
A ONU deu início à Década da Restauração de Ecossistemas e o Brasil tem um enorme potencial para liderar essa agenda no mundo. Pensando nisso, algumas das mais importantes organizações ambientais da sociedade civil que atuam no país decidiram unir esforçospara uma meta comum de 10 anos: restaurar 4 milhões de hectares de florestas na Amazônia, Cerrado e Mata Atlântica. Os escritórios no Brasil da CI, TNC, WRI e WWF estão juntos na União pela Restauração, que terá seu primeiro debate público na COP26, aberto a todos que tenham interesse em se engajar nesta agenda. Saiba mais aqui. A TNC participa e colabora com diversos outros coletivos que têm objetivos convergentes. Entre eles, alguns que lançaram conteúdo específicos para a COP26 como a Coalizão Brasil Clima, Florestas e Agricultura; a Concertação pela Amazônia;e a iniciativa Clima e Desenvolvimento.
The UN started the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, and Brazil has enormous potential to be a world leader in this agenda. With this in mind, some of the most important environmental organizations of Brazilian civil society decided to join forces toward a common 10-year goal: Restoring 4 million hectares of forests in the Amazon, Cerrado, and Atlantic Forest. The offices of CI, TNC, WRI, and WWF in Brazil are working together in the Union for Restoration. The group will have its first public debate at COP26, which is open to all interested in engaging in this agenda. Learn more here.
TNC participates in and collaborates with other diverse collectives with converging goals. Some have launched COP26-specific content, such as the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture, Amazon Concertation, and the Climate and Development Initiative.
Seeking to give voice and breadth to their own agendas, the network of indigenous communicators in the Amazon began to take shape in 2016 and currently has communicators, journalists, cameraoperators and photographers who work so that information reaches the bases of each community.
Organizations such as the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB), the Federation of Indigenous People of Pará (FEPIPA), the Federation of Indigenous People and Organizations of Mato Grosso (FEPOIMT), the Articulation of Indigenous People and Organizations of Amapá and NorthernPará (APOIANP) and Mídia India, with the support of partners such as The Nature Conservancy Brasil (TNC), which has contributed to training in creatingdigital content and in using communication tools and platforms. Find out more about how communication has become an important instrument of struggle for the indigenous people of the Amazon.
Since 2015, TNC has worked in partnerships with large companies, the public sector, and civil society advancing actions for conserving and restoring springs and watersheds, joining forces to create an environment of sustainable economic development for protecting water sources. The Green-Blue Water Coalition is an initiative that, among other strategies, uses nature-based solutions to strengthen water management, engaging the public sector and businesses in watershed conservation, restoration, and governance. The objective is to expand the scale and impact ofwatershed recovery in the Cerrado, Atlantic Forest and Amazon biomes. The results were restoration and conservation of 124 thousand hectares and leveraging more than R$ 240 million.
In addition The Green-Blue Water Coalition, municipal watershed conservation programs are key parts of The Nature Conservancy (TNC). We help in creating local policies where we have a direct role -from implementing, leveraging financial resources, governance structure, to preparing legal frameworks for creating laws that formalize program creation.
Climate solutions need to be more inclusive, collaborative and innovative. As part of a comprehensive climate strategy, TNC is uniting women of all backgrounds with innovation labs, networks and workshops.
After all, women are fighting for the environment in all sectors –as scientists, lawmakers, indigenous and community leaders, CEOs, etc. –spearheading majorvictories for our planet. Women offer powerful skills and perspectives that can change the dynamics of the climate conversation and open up new opportunities for collaboration.
We believe that fostering women's leadership on climate change issues will provide a platform for innovation, collaborative dialogue,and necessary action. Empowering women is critical to protecting and managing the landscapes where TNC operates.
The Reverte Program was launched in 2019 by Syngenta, The Nature Conservancy and local partners to foster the restoration of degraded pastureland in the Brazilian Cerrado, a region of immeasurable natural value due to its stores of carbon, fresh water and biodiversity, accommodating the projected expansion of soy and other crops sustainably and profitably, avoiding new conversion of native vegetation.
The program aims to support rural producers in recovering farmland through an integrated solution that involves good agricultural practices, input-use protocols and a financial solution based in a long-term finance credit program.
The Program was the collective effort of representing institutions such as banks, trading companies, rural producers, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), and the academy. The Reverte Program was created to support rural producers in recovering degraded areas through an integrated solution that involves good agricultural practices, financial tools, and input-use protocols that make fertilizers and seeds to machinery and pesticides appropriate for growing soy and other intercropped harvests. Through partnerships that share the same objectives, the Program also seeks to strengthen pre-existing projects that can contribute to the evolution and scale of regenerative agriculture in the Cerrado.The development of financial incentives and new technologies is fundamental to support the expansion of agriculture production without conversion of native vegetation. Through partnerships, TNC seeks to develop strategies and systemic solutions that make it possible to increase production with environmental conservation.
The Mato Grosso REM (Reed Early Movers) Program - launched at Rio+20 in 2012 - consists of rewarding results obtained in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation.
The State of Mato Grosso has benefited from the Program since 2017 for having promoted a significant reduction in deforestation over 10 years (2004-2014). The REM MT Program contract provides resources in the order of 44 million Euros from the German government through the German Development Bank (KfW) and the UK government through the British Department for Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
The program aims to reduce the deforestation rate in the state of Mato Grosso, through forest conservation and climate protection, and has established as a target an Emissions Reduction (ER) of 11 million tCO2e in accordance with the determinations of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Our Team at COP27
Coordenadora de Comunicação - Amazônia e Clima
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