Vision for Alaska
We envision a future Alaska in which natural systems thrive—capable of balancing ecological, cultural and economic benefits—by conserving key ecosystems, building strong climate resilience and achieving sustainable economic development. This commitment leads us to three focal areas.
Alaska’s fisheries are a centerpiece of the state’s culture and economy. TNC will contribute to science, innovative policy mechanisms and collaborative partnerships to ensure a positive fisheries future, especially the wild salmon fishery of Bristol Bay. We’ll advance management that is climate-informed. We also support the decision-making authority of local communities and support their commitment to sustainability and their right to an equitable share in the commercial harvests.
Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing humanity. The Nature Conservancy will elevate local voices to spur federal climate policy and seek opportunities to monetize sequestered carbon for the benefit of Alaskans. We will identify Alaska’s most climate-resilient landscapes to set conservation priorities and implement innovative solutions to make communities more resilient.
Alaska’s lands and waters remain uniquely wild. We have an opportunity to work at an enormous scale in some of the most intact natural systems on Earth. We’ll work with decision-makers and community partners in the Tongass of Southeast Alaska and the Arctic’s North Slope to ensure strong conservation of key public lands—all to balance critical habitat protection, sustainable use of natural resources for economic benefit and co-management by tribes and local communities.