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In 2024, TNC, our partners and supporters celebrated many tremendous conservation successes across the Midwest, proving that when we come together, great solutions are possible.
Jan 14, 2025
Without sound water policy, Indiana’s economic future is down the drain.
Jan 07, 2025
Positive achievements can—and are—happening right in your backyard. Dive into the conservation work bolstering people and nature in the Midwest.
Sep 24, 2024
You don’t have to go far to experience all the benefits that time in nature gives you. No matter your interest, TNC has a wide variety of accessible preserves around the Midwest for you to explore.
Jun 17, 2024
Discover how everyday conservation actions at home can make a big impact on pollinators and other insects in the Midwest and beyond.
May 08, 2024
6-minute read time
Meet the women who are making an impact and leading the way in conservation throughout the Midwest.
Information on the Indiana Chapter's efforts to improve and protect the White River, which runs through Indianapolis.
Hunting is an important management tool for TNC, particularly to reduce the damage to native plant communities from white-tail deer. Learn about TNC's hunting guidelines at its Indiana preserves.
We all know the honeybees that pollinate our flowers in the Midwest. But did you know there are some other, shall we say, peculiar pollinators? Learn about the importance of lesser-known pollinators.
May 11, 2023
TNC is providing science-based guidelines for companies and communities in Indiana to engage in the right conversation around renewable energy development.
Wetlands support an incredible diversity of life. Yet they’re in danger: in some states, as much as 90% of wetlands have been destroyed.
Apr 21, 2022
Feed your soul at a TNC preserve near you.
Apr 07, 2022
The diversity of birds is declining with the loss of their habitats. A new TNC project, Forestry for the Birds, brings forest managers and bird lovers together to promote the well-being of both.
Apr 05, 2022
Indiana's disappearing wetlands are threatened, and The Nature Conservancy wants to protect these important habitats. Learn why wetlands are important and what TNC is doing to save them.
Mar 18, 2022
Millions of migratory birds are using Nature Conservancy sites to “rest and refuel” as they cross Great Lakes states toward summer breeding grounds.
Mar 01, 2022
Climate change is taking a significant toll on the Great Lakes region. Learn how The Nature Conservancy is working to secure a resilient future in this region.
Jan 15, 2022
A few decades ago, the bald eagle was dangerously close to becoming extinct throughout the lower 48 U.S. states. Today, they're back from the brink and doing better than ever.
Dec 14, 2021
Information on the endangered Indiana bat and what The Nature Conservancy is doing to save it.
Meet some of the people who are working to create lasting solutions in Indiana and around the world.
The Nature Conservancy’s Indiana Chapter is using the Bat Conservation Bank, a market-based approach that will conserve critical habitat for federally endangered or threatened bat species.
The Eastern prickly pear cactus is native to Indiana but can be a hard-to-control weedy species in yards and gardens.
What you need to know about this noisy, natural wonder.
By Deborah Landau
8-minute read time
Our climate is changing and, along with it, the habitats that plants and animals rely on to thrive. Learn about the iconic forests and scenic waterways that TNC is protecting in the Heartland.
Feb 11, 2021
Winter in the Midwest provides an opportunity to provide birds with cover, food and water. In return, you might just get to see more birds in your yard!
Jan 25, 2021
River otters have been virtually eliminated in much of their original range due to hunting and other threats, but successful reintroduction efforts are slowly restoring otter populations in many states.
The shrub was planted for soil erosion. But its prolific fruit and seeds have disrupted native ecosystems.
Wild garlic mustard is a highly destructive invasive species in the United States, but anyone can help stop its spread.
Though its name makes it sound heavenly, the invasive tree of heaven is no angel. Learn all about this devilish invader.
The Nature Conservancy's Forest Bank gives woodland owners in Indiana conservation options.
Jun 29, 2020
Meet the mighty tree species that clean our air, protect our water and provide habitat for the wildlife all around us!
The Nature Conservancy is protecting the habitats that pollinators need to thrive, so we can enjoy the crucial benefits that they provide.
Apr 09, 2020
Backyard birding is a great way to connect with the nature all around you right from your own home. Get started with TNC's top 10 Backyard Bird list.
Apr 01, 2020
The Nature Conservancy is restoring freshwater mussels in the Wabash River watershed. Good for mussels, good for a healthier river!
Dec 24, 2019
For the last two years The Nature Conservancy has been leading a team to remove two low head dams from Big Indian Creek in southcentral Indiana.
Find out how TNC is working with landowners and other partners in the Blue River watershed to help protect and restore hellbenders.
Nov 25, 2019
Kudzu looks innocent enough yet the "vine that ate the South" easily overtakes trees, abandoned homes and telephone poles.
Join the volunteer community making a difference for conservation in Indiana!
Nature Notes articles are inspired by the many different plant and animal species found at Kankakee Sands in Newton County, Indiana.
By Alyssa Nyberg
Decimated by DDT, the peregrine falcon has been reintroduced throughout the U.S., but the bird is making a comeback!
Sep 09, 2018
Short's goldenrod is an extremely rare perennial plant found only in Kentucky and Indiana.
Sep 08, 2018
Learn how The Nature Conservancy is protecting the once nearly extinct American bison across 12 preserves in the central United States.
By using conservation practices, the Strasburger family is making an impact far beyond their rented Indiana farmland. In the process, they're also improving soil and ensuring clean water.