

 A large stone building with columns in front and a bronze dome at the top.
Kansas State Capitol The Kansas State Capitol building in Topeka. © Tony Webster
Stories in Kansas

Policy Priorities in Kansas

The Nature Conservancy works with state and federal leaders to find meaningful solutions to the issues that impact Kansas's lands and waters.

Explore our latest policy objectives in the Sunflower State.

Advocating for Nature in Kansas

Explore opportunities to learn, engage and advocate on nature's behalf.

Highlights from the 2024 Kansas Legislative Session

Click the images to learn about conservation wins in the Kansas Statehouse this year.

Statewide Conservation Funding

The Nature Conservancy is a founding member of Kansans for Conservation, a coalition of organizations and individuals working together to provide a much-needed permanent and protected funding source for conserving and enhancing water quality and natural areas in this state, including parks, trails, fish and wildlife habitat and agricultural soils.

Kansans for Conservation

A diverse coalition working to ensure a healthy & sustainable future for Kansas.

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Thanks in part to the coalition's efforts, the Kansas legislature increased funding of the state water plan by $35 million in 2023. The Nature Conservancy worked with lawmakers to ensure that natural water infrastructure projects would be eligible for this funding. We will continue to work toward a new and dedicated statewide source of funding that provides consistent and sufficient funding for conservation.

Aerial view of a people in kayaks and canoes floating down a river with large trees on the banks.
River Paddlers Kayak and canoe paddlers make their way down the Wakarusa River from the Kansas River access ramp in Eudora, KS. © Dan Videtich
An adult fishing at a lake while the sun sets.
Fisher at Sunset Investing in outdoor infrastructure like parks, trails and natural areas improves quality of life. © Ricardo Imagen/Getty Images

Renewable Energy Siting

Did you know Kansas ranks 4th in the nation for wind capacity and is in the top ten states for days of sunshine? The ample wind and solar resources here and throughout the central U.S. offer the opportunity to rapidly expand renewable energy—which is necessary to meet our climate goals. However, it's important to ensure that renewable energy installations are properly sited to avoid known threats to wildlife and natural habits. That's why TNC created the Site Renewables Right mapping tool to identify where in the central U.S. renewable energy can be developed while still conserving important wildlife habitats and natural areas. It’s a win-win. TNC will continue to provide resources so developers, utilities and municipalities can make science-based siting decisions.

TNC’s conservation-informed tools, including Site Renewables Right and Power of Place, help renewable energy developers select sites for utility-scale wind and solar installations that avoid detrimental impacts to nature and communities.

Federal Policy That Supports Kansas

The Farm Bill is the nation's largest investment supporting the voluntary and successful conservation, restoration and management of America's private lands. Kansas is a leader in agricultural production and the Farm Bill is significant for many Kansans—from producers needing crop insurance to ranchers stewarding the last of the tallgrass prairie. Farm Bill programs provide incentives for regenerative agricultural practices and conserving native grasslands and other habitats. As Congress drafts the next Farm Bill, TNC reminds them that there is no more important investment than our natural heritage.

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Urge Congress to pass a Farm Bill that supports conservation and communities.

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Harvesting Hope (10:20) For Treg Hatcher, his ranch in Kansas means everything to him. So, when severe drought and a prairie dog invasion left him on the verge of selling the ranch, he was devastated. But assistance from the Farm Bill’s EQIP program funded improvements that saved his cattle and land. Now, it's thriving.