

United States

New Mexico

Landscape of a mountain in the distance with grassland and trees in the foreground during sunset.
Gray Ranch Animas Mountain in New Mexico © Harold E. Malde

Make a Difference in New Mexico

For more than 40 years, people like you have helped The Nature Conservancy protect more than 1.5 million acres of New Mexico’s forests, rivers and grasslands. We’re building on a conservation legacy to help solve today’s biggest conservation challenges from climate change and habitat loss to protecting clean water. Together we’re stronger!

Conservation Highlight

Good Fire: Restoring New Mexico’s Forests (4:19) Decades of fire suppression have caused wildfires to become more severe, but prescribed fire turns a fire of “chance” into a fire of “choice.” Through partnership and collaboration, The Nature Conservancy is bringing back fire to protect forests and communities.


2024 Year in Review

Discover this year's accomplishments, our most groundbreaking projects and work with key partners.