

White trout lilies blooming in the sun.
Trout Lily These spring ephemerals are found in moist woods, pushing up through the leaf litter. They get their name from their speckled leaves, which resemble markings on trout. © Charles Larry

Preserving Nature in Ohio

From our lakes and rivers to our wetlands and forests, Ohio's lands and waters support a rich history of culture, recreation and biodiversity. Discover how The Nature Conservancy is working with partners across the state to preserve and protect our incredible natural areas for generations to come.

Places We Protect

From wetlands and rivers to forests and prairies, TNC is protecting Ohio's most biodiverse places throughout the state. Learn more about our preserves and plan your visit today!

Wetland habitat at Morgan Swamp Preserve.
A green prairie surrounded by trees.
Waterfall as seen through the trees at the Helen C. Black Trail at Cedar Falls Preserve.
Boardwalk trail extends into lush forest at Brown's Lake Bog Preserve.
View across Snow Lake  in autumn at Lucia S. Nash Preserve with red and gold trees along the banks.
A field of blooming wild blue lupine at sunset.
Wild Blue Lupines Blooming in late spring and early summer, wild blue lupines thrive in the sandy soils of the oak savannas at the Kitty Todd Preserve. © Andy Morrison