

If Trees Could Sing - Giancarlo Guerrero & Green Ash
Giancarlo Guerrero talks about the green ash tree. © Used by permission of Giancarlo Guerrero and the Nashville Symphony.

Stories in Tennessee

If Trees Could Sing: Giancarlo Guerrero

Giancarlo Guerrero, Music Director of the Nashville Symphony, talks about the benefits of trees like the green ash.

Giancarlo Guerrero is the Music Director of the Nashville Symphony orchestra. His recordings with the Nashville Symphony won Grammy Awards in 2011 and 2012. He joined the Nashville Symphony in 2009. A native of Costa Rica, he was formerly the Music Director of the Eugene Symphony in Eugene, Oregon, and currently also holds an appointment as Principal Guest Conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra Miami Residency.

More music artists talk about trees . . .

Giancarlo Guerrero Giancarlo Guerrero, Director of the Nashville Symphony Orchestra, talks about the green ash in this video for The Nature

Green Ash Facts

  • Scientific name: Fraxinus pennsylvanica
  • Range: throughout the East and across the Great Plains to the Rocky Mountains
  • Height: up to 65 feet tall
  • Fruit: paddle-shaped seed pod, favored by birds
  • Fall colors: leaves turn yellow

You Can Take Care of Trees Like the Green Ash

  • Plant in late fall or winter when the tree is dormant, unless the ground is frozen. 
  • Allow plenty of room for the tree to mature and grow.
  • Water it regularly in its first three years.
  • Spread mulch around the base of the tree. 
  • Keep an eye out for the invasive emerald ash borer insect, which can kill ash trees.

Mighty Cool Tree Fact

Did you know... trees planted along streets extend the longevity of pavement? Shaded roads can save up to 60% of repaving costs.

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