

Four musicians standing in a city park under a tree. Three of them are holding guitars.
The Bohannons talk about the American elm tree. © The Nature Conservancy

Stories in Tennessee

If Trees Could Sing: The Bohannons

Marty Bohannon talks about the American elm and the benefits that trees provide.

The Bohannons are a guitar-driven quartet that melds rock, punk and power pop with sounds of country, folk and blues. Based in Chattanooga, the group features brothers Marty and Matt Bohannon on lead vocals/rhythm guitar and backing vocals/lead guitar, respectively, with bassist Billy C. Robinson and drummer Mike Gaut. 

More music artists talk about trees . . . 

The Bohannons Marty Bohannon talks about the American Elm for The Nature Conservancy's "If Trees Could Sing" video series.
A tree's branches spread out to block the sky.
American Elm Looking up at an American Elm tree. © Diane Cook

Cool Tree Fact

Did you know...? Trees warn each other when they are under attack by insects. They secrete chemicals that not only make their leaves less nutritious but which also warn other trees to produce those chemicals as well.

American Elm Facts

Plant in late fall or winter when the tree is dormant, unless the ground is frozen. Allow plenty of room for the tree to mature and grow. Water it regularly in its first three years. Spread mulch around the base of the tree.

  • Scientific Name: Ulmus americana
  • Range: east of the Rocky Mountains, from Montana to Florida
  • Height: up to 100 ft.
  • Distinguishing feature: V-shaped appearance
  • Fall colors: yellow

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