

Girl with Wyoming state flag stands on mountain under cloudy blue skies.
Wyoming Pride Securing Wyoming's natural values and way of life. © Wes Richner

Stories in Wyoming

Wyoming Wild & Working

Securing Wyoming's natural values and way of life

Few places in the world can still claim to be wild and working. Wyoming is one of them. From the ragged peaks of the Tetons, to the sparkling waters of the Shoshone River and the sagebrush country and grasslands that seem endless, this is a land of superlatives – with the people and wildlife to complete the picture. Our wealth of open country and small population make it hard to imagine these things changing. Yet, change has already begun.

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Keep Wyoming Wild & Working

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Across the West, we are losing our wide-open spaces at a rate of 16 million acres a year. Climate change is intensifying drought and tipping the already precarious balance of water in our arid state. Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns, along with invasive species, endanger the health of native habitats and threaten the future of our iconic wildlife.

We are at a critical point, but it’s not too late. The Nature Conservancy is uniquely positioned to continue leading the way to a future where people and nature thrive. The challenges are serious, but we have the people, tools, expertise, and experience to meet them and to achieve conservation success that stands the test of time. It will take all of us pulling together to keep Wyoming wild and working and we’re counting on you to join us.  


We are now in the final months of our $50-million Wyoming Wild & Working fundraising initiative, which culminates on December 31, 2021. By using your donation to leverage funds from public and foundation sources, we hope to reach an even larger $120-million goal. You can help us get over the top. Your gift, whatever the size, helps ensure Wyoming remains Wild & Working long into the future. Join us!


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Our Conservation Strategies

Our vision for conservation success is supported by four solid pillars.

  • Mountain landscape reflected in clear blue lake.

    Healthy Waters

    Water is nature’s lifeblood and, in the arid West, demands for it are outpacing supply. By restoring streams, wetlands and rivers, we are helping keep more water available for people and nature, which is critical in the face of our changing climate.

  • Antelope and her two fawns cross prairie in front of mountains.

    Resilient Lands

    Along with our trusted partners, we have conserved more than one million acres of Wyoming lands. Our work is protecting some of the world’s most impressive wildlife and their ancient migration pathways.

  • Youngster in yellow coat and ballcap holds up bird.

    Ensuring the Future of Conservation

    We are expanding the “constituency for conservation” by working closely with a wide circle of partners. We are helping instill conservation values in the next generations who will inherit a world that will need them to keep Wyoming Wild & Working.

  • Woman in white ball cap fixes barbed wire fence.

    Organizational Excellence

    Our people are the best at what they do. From our scientists producing ground-breaking research, to our dedicated Board of Trustees, we work collaboratively to create innovative solutions for Wyoming’s most pressing conservation challenges.