Visit Carmen's Google Scholar Profile for a full list of publications.
Turak, E., Dudgeon, D., Harrison, I.J., Freyhof, J., Wever, A.D., Revenga, C., Garcia-Moreno, J., Abell, R., Culp, J.M., Lento, J., Mora, B., Hilarides, L. & Flink, S. (2017). Observations of Inland Water Biodiversity: Progress, Needs and Priorities. In: The GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Observation Networks. Springer, Cham, pp. 165–186.
Turak, E., Harrison, I., Dudgeon, D., Abell, R., Bush, A., Darwall, W., Finlayson, C.M., Ferrier, S., Freyhof, J., Hermoso, V., Juffe-Bignoli, D., Linke, S., Nel, J., Patricio, H.C., Pittock, J., Raghavan, R., Revenga, C., Simaika, J.P. & De Wever, A. (2017). Essential Biodiversity Variables for measuring change in global freshwater biodiversity. Biological Conservation, SI:Measures of biodiversity, 213, 272–279.
Dowling, N., Wilson, J., Rudd, M., Babcock, E., Caillaux, M., Cope, J., Dougherty, D., Fujita, R., Gedamke, T., Gleason, M., Guttierrez, M., Hordyk, A., Maina, G., Mous, P., Ovando, D., Parma, A., Prince, J., Revenga, C., Rude, J., Szuwalski, C., Valencia, S. & Victor, S. (2016). FishPath: A Decision Support System for Assessing and Managing Data- and Capacity- Limited Fisheries. In: Assessing and Managing Data-Limited Fish Stocks (eds. Quinn II, T., Armstrong, J., Baker, M., Heifetz, J. & Witherell, D.). Alaska Sea Grant, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
McIntyre, P.B., Liermann, C.A.R. & Revenga, C. (2016). Linking freshwater fishery management to global food security and biodiversity conservation. PNAS, 113, 12880–12885.
Boucher, T.M., Spalding, M. & Revenga, C. (2013). Role and trends of protected areas in conservation. In: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition). Academic Press, Waltham, pp. 485–503.
McDonald, R.I., Olden, J.D., Opperman, J.J., Miller, W.M., Fargione, J., Revenga, C., Higgins, J.V. & Powell, J. (2012). Energy, Water and Fish: Biodiversity Impacts of Energy-Sector Water Demand in the United States Depend on Efficiency and Policy Measures. PLOS ONE, 7, e50219.
Abell, R., Thieme, M., Ricketts, T.H., Olwero, N., Ng, R., Petry, P., Dinerstein, E., Revenga, C. & Hoekstra, J. (2011). Concordance of freshwater and terrestrial biodiversity. Conservation Letters, 4, 127–136.
Lehner, B., Liermann, C.R., Revenga, C., Vörösmarty, C., Fekete, B., Crouzet, P., Döll, P., Endejan, M., Frenken, K., Magome, J., Nilsson, C., Robertson, J.C., Rödel, R., Sindorf, N. & Wisser, D. (2011). High-resolution mapping of the world’s reservoirs and dams for sustainable river-flow management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9, 494–502.
McDonald, R.I., Douglas, I., Revenga, C., Hale, R., Grimm, N., Grönwall, J. & Fekete, B. (2011). Global Urban Growth and the Geography of Water Availability, Quality, and Delivery. AMBIO, 40, 437–446.
McDonald, R.I., Green, P., Balk, D., Fekete, B.M., Revenga, C., Todd, M. & Montgomery, M. (2011). Urban growth, climate change, and freshwater availability. PNAS, 108, 6312–6317.
Hoekstra, J., Molnar, J.L., Jennings, M., Revenga, C., Spalding, M.D., Boucher, T.M., Robertson, J.C., Heibel, T.J. & Ellison, K. (2010). The atlas of global conservation: changes, challenges, and opportunities to make a difference. University of California Press, Oakland, CA.
Pereira, H.M., Leadley, P.W., Proença, V., Alkemade, R., Scharlemann, J.P.W., Fernandez-Manjarrés, J.F., Araújo, M.B., Balvanera, P., Biggs, R., Cheung, W.W.L., Chini, L., Cooper, H.D., Gilman, E.L., Guénette, S., Hurtt, G.C., Huntington, H.P., Mace, G.M., Oberdorff, T., Revenga, C., Rodrigues, P., Scholes, R.J., Sumaila, U.R. & Walpole, M. (2010). Scenarios for Global Biodiversity in the 21st Century. Science, 330, 1496–1501.
Richter, B., Sandra, P., Carmen, R., Thayer, S., Bernhard, L., Allegra, C. & Morgan, C. (2010). Lost in Development’s Shadow: The Downstream Human Consequences of Dams. Water Alternatives, 3.
Stiassny, M.L.J., Revenga, C. & Comer, P. (2010). Aquatic Ecosystems: Diversity and Dynamism. In: Fresh Water: The Essence of Life (eds. Mittermeier, C.G., Mittermeier, R.A., Farrell, T.A., Harrison, I.J., Upgren, A.J., Brooks, T.M. & Hoffmann, L.). Conservation International, Washington, D.C., pp. 90–117.
Abell, R., Blanch, S., Revenga, C. & Thieme, M. (2009). Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems. In: Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (ed. Likens, G.E.). Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 249–258.
Walpole, M., Almond, R.E.A., Besançon, C., Butchart, S.H.M., Campbell-Lendrum, D., Carr, G.M., Collen, B., Collette, L., Davidson, N.C., Dulloo, E., Fazel, A.M., Galloway, J.N., Gill, M., Goverse, T., Hockings, M., Leaman, D.J., Morgan, D.H.W., Revenga, C., Rickwood, C.J., Schutyser, F., Simons, S., Stattersfield, A.J., Tyrrell, T.D., Vié, J.-C. & Zimsky, M. (2009). Tracking Progress Toward the 2010 Biodiversity Target and Beyond. Science, 325, 1503–1504.
Abell, R., Thieme, M.L., Revenga, C., Bryer, M., Kottelat, M., Bogutskaya, N., Coad, B., Mandrak, N., Balderas, S.C., Bussing, W., Stiassny, M.L.J., Skelton, P., Allen, G.R., Unmack, P., Naseka, A., Ng, R., Sindorf, N., Robertson, J., Armijo, E., Higgins, J.V., Heibel, T.J., Wikramanayake, E., Olson, D., López, H.L., Reis, R.E., Lundberg, J.G., Sabaj Pérez, M.H. & Petry, P. (2008). Freshwater Ecoregions of the World: A New Map of Biogeographic Units for Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation. BioScience, 58, 403–414.
Molnar, J.L., Gamboa, R.L., Revenga, C. & Spalding, M.D. (2008). Assessing the global threat of invasive species to marine biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6, 485–492.
Revenga, C. (2006). ¿Por qué deben preocuparnos los ecosistemas de agua dulce y su biodiversidad? Vanguardia Dossier, 80–90.
Watson, R., Revenga, C. & Kura, Y. (2006). Fishing gear associated with global marine catches: I. Database development. Fisheries Research, 79, 97–102.
Watson, R., Revenga, C. & Kura, Y. (2006). Fishing gear associated with global marine catches: II. Trends in trawling and dredging. Fisheries Research, 79, 103–111.
Allan, J.D., Abell, R., Hogan, Z., Revenga, C., Taylor, B.W., Welcomme, R.L. & Winemiller, K. (2005). Overfishing of Inland Waters. BioScience, 55, 1041–1051.
Nilsson, C., Reidy, C.A., Dynesius, M. & Revenga, C. (2005). Fragmentation and Flow Regulation of the World’s Large River Systems. Science, 308, 405–408.
Revenga, C. (2005). Developing indicators of ecosystem condition using geographic information systems and remote sensing. Reg Environ Change, 5, 205–214.
Revenga, C., Campbell, I., Abell, R., Villiers, P. de & Bryer, M. (2005). Prospects for monitoring freshwater ecosystems towards the 2010 targets. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 360, 397–413.
Vörösmarty, C.J., Douglas, E.M., Green, P.A. & Revenga, C. (2005). Geospatial Indicators of Emerging Water Stress: An Application to Africa. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 34, 230–236.
Pielke, R.A., Sr., Vörösmarty, C.J., Brunner, J., Revenga, C., Fekete, B., Green, P., Kura, Y. & Thompson, K. (2004). Case Studies. In: Vegetation, Water, Humans and the Climate: A New Perspective on an Interactive System, Global Change - The IGBP Series (eds. Kabat, P., Claussen, M., Whitlock, S., Gash, J.H.C., Guenni, L.B. de, Meybeck, M., Pielke, R., Vörösmarty, C.J., Hutjes, R.W.A. & Lütkemeier, S.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Smakhtin, V., Revenga, C. & Döll, P. (2004). A Pilot Global Assessment of Environmental Water Requirements and Scarcity. Water International, 29, 307–317.
Smakhtin, V.U., Revenga, C. & Doll, P. (2004). Taking into account environmental water requirements in global-scale water resources assessments (Report). International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Comprehensive Assessment Secretariat.
Johnson, N., Revenga, C. & Echeverria, J. (2001). Managing Water for People and Nature. Science, 292, 1071–1072.
Auclair, A.N.D., Lill, J.T. & Revenga, C. (1996). The role of climate variability and global warming in the dieback of Northern Hardwoods. Water Air Soil Pollut, 91, 163–186.