Daniel Shemie
Global Director, Resilient Watersheds

Daniel Shemie Daniel Shemie leads The Nature Conservancy’s global Resilient Watersheds strategy. © TNC
Areas of Expertise
Water Security, Nature-based Solutions, Conservation Finance, Water Resource Management
Daniel Shemie leads The Nature Conservancy’s global Resilient Watersheds strategy, where he partners with governments, corporations and impact investors to accelerate the inclusion of nature-based solutions in water sector investments and help communities protect their water sources. Daniel is also a faculty advisor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. Before joining TNC, Daniel was a partner at mWater, a mobile water monitoring company, and worked at the World Bank on water and sanitations projects in China and sub-Saharan Africa. Daniel holds a M.Sc. in water science and management from Oxford University. He currently lives in New York.