Visit Eddie's Google Scholar Profile for a full list of publications.
Combining the Where and How of Conservation Planning
What do decision science, good evidence, and creative data have to do with drafting an effective conservation plan? Cool Green Science sat down with scientist Craig Groves to talk about his new book, co-authored with Eddie Game.
Eavesdropping on the Sounds of the Rainforest
Eddie and fellow scientist Tim Boucher venture deep into the mountains of Papua New Guinea to record the soundscape of the forest, gathering biodiversity data for conservation land-use planning. Cool Green Science writer Justine E. Hausheer joins them to report on the research.
How Can Mobile Phones Help Conservation?
Cool Green Science features Eddie's research exploring the use of mobile phones to track human well-being impacts of conservation projects.
How to Tackle Wicked Conservation Problems?
How can conservation can learn from counter-insurgency? Eddie's research is featured in Cool Green Science.
Brown, C., Parker, B., Ahmadia, G.N., Ardiwijaya, R., Purwanto, P. & Game, E.T. (2017). The cost of enforcing marine protected areas to achieve ecological targets. bioRxiv, 216598.
Burivalova, Z., Towsey, M., Boucher, T., Truskinger, A., Apelis, C., Roe, P. & Game, E.T. (2017). Using soundscapes to detect variable degrees of human influence on tropical forests in Papua New Guinea. Conservation Biology.
Annis, G.M., Pearsall, D.R., Kahl, K.J., Washburn, E.L., May, C.A., Taylor, R.F., Cole, J.B., Ewert, D.N., Game, E.T. & Doran, P.J. (2017). Designing coastal conservation to deliver ecosystem and human well-being benefits. PLOS ONE, 12, e0172458.
Game, E.T., Bremer, L.L., Calvache, A., Moreno, P.H., Vargas, A., Rivera, B. & Rodriguez, L.M. (2017). Fuzzy Models to Inform Social and Environmental Indicator Selection for Conservation Impact Monitoring. Conservation Letters, doi: 10.1111/conl.12338
Thurstan, R.H., Game, E. & Pandolfi, J.M. (2017). Popular media records reveal multi-decadal trends in recreational fishing catch rates. PLOS ONE, 12, e0182345.
McDonald-Madden, E., Sabbadin, R., Game, E.T., Baxter, P.W.J., Chades, I., & Possingham, H.P. (2016). Using food-web theory to conserve ecosystems. Nature Communications, 7, 10245. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10245
Anthony, K.R.N., Marshall, P.A., Abdulla, A., Beeden, R., Bergh, C., Black, R., Eakin, C.M., Game, E.T., Gooch, M., Graham, N.A.J.,et al. (2015). Operationalizing resilience for adaptive coral reef management under global environmental change. Global Change Biology, 21, 48–61.
Game, E.T., Schwartz, M.W. & Knight, A.T. (2015). Policy relevant conservation science. Conservation Letters, 8, 309–311.
Groves, C. & Game, E. (2015). Conservation Planning: Informed Decisions for a Healthier Planet. 1 edition. Macmillan Learning, New York.
Adams, V.M., Game, E.T. & Bode, M. (2014). Synthesis and review: delivering on conservation promises: the challenges of managing and measuring conservation outcomes. Environ. Res. Lett., 9, 085002.
Ban, N.C., Bax, N.J., Gjerde, K.M., Devillers, R., Dunn, D.C., Dunstan, P.K., Hobday, A.J., Maxwell, S.M., Kaplan, D.M., Pressey, R.L., Ardron, J.A., Game, E.T. & Halpin, P.N. (2014). Systematic conservation planning: a better recipe for managing the high seas for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Conservation Letters, 7, 41–54.
Ban, N.C., Maxwell, S.M., Dunn, D.C., Hobday, A.J., Bax, N.J., Ardron, J., Gjerde, K.M., Game, E.T., Devillers, R., Kaplan, D.M., Dunstan, P.K., Halpin, P.N. & Pressey, R.L. (2014). Better integration of sectoral planning and management approaches for the interlinked ecology of the open oceans. Marine Policy, 49, 127–136.
Game, E.T., Meijaard, E., Sheil, D. & McDonald-Madden, E. (2014). Conservation in a wicked complex world; challenges and solutions. Conservation Letters, 7, 271–277.
Moon, K., Adams, V.M., Januchowski-Hartley, S.R., Polyakov, M., Mills, M., Biggs, D., Knight, A.T., Game, E.T. & Raymond, C.M. (2014). A multidisciplinary conceptualization of conservation opportunity. Conservation Biology, 28, 1484–1496.
Moray, C., Game, E.T. & Maxted, N. (2014). Prioritising in situ conservation of crop resources: A case study of African cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). Scientific Reports, 4.
Tear, T.H., Stratton, B.N., Game, E.T., Brown, M.A., Apse, C.D. & Shirer, R.R. (2014). A return-on-investment framework to identify conservation priorities in Africa. Biological Conservation, 173, 42–52.
Game, E.T., Fitzsimons, J.A., Lipsett-Moore, G. & McDonald-Madden, E. (2013). Subjective risk assessment for planning conservation projects. Environ. Res. Lett., 8, 045027.
Game, E.T., Kareiva, P. & Possingham, H.P. (2013). Six common mistakes in conservation priority setting. Conservation Biology, 27, 480–485.
Bottrill, M.C., Mills, M., Pressey, R.L., Game, E.T. & Groves, C. (2012). Evaluating perceived benefits of ecoregional assessments. Conservation Biology, 26, 851–861.
McLeod, E., Green, A., Game, E., Anthony, K., Cinner, J., Heron, S.F., Kleypas, J., Lovelock, C.E., Pandolfi, J.M., Pressey, R.L., Salm, R., Schill, S. & Woodroffe, C. (2012). Integrating climate and ocean change vulnerability into conservation planning. Coastal Management, 40, 651–672.
Game, E.T., Lipsett-Moore, G., Hamilton, R., Peterson, N., Kereseka, J., Atu, W., Watts, M. & Possingham, H. (2011). Informed opportunism for conservation planning in the Solomon Islands. Conservation Letters, 4, 38–46.
Game, E.T., Lipsett-Moore, G., Saxon, E., Peterson, N. & Sheppard, S. (2011). Incorporating climate change adaptation into national conservation assessments. Global Change Biology, 17, 3150–3160.
Hobday, A.J., Game, E.T., Grantham, H.S. & Richardson, A.J. (2011). Conserving the largest habitat on Earth: protected areas in the pelagic ocean. In: Marine Protected Areas: a multidisciplinary approach, Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation (ed. Claudet, J.). Cambridge University Press, pp. 347–372.
Beger, M., Linke, S., Watts, M., Game, E., Treml, E., Ball, I. & Possingham, H.P. (2010). Incorporating asymmetric connectivity into spatial decision making for conservation. Conservation Letters, 3, 359–368.
McDonald-Madden, E., Baxter, P.W.J., Fuller, R.A., Martin, T.G., Game, E.T., Montambault, J. & Possingham, H.P. (2010). Monitoring does not always count. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 25, 547–550.
Game, E.T., Bode, M., McDonald-Madden, E., Grantham, H.S. & Possingham, H.P. (2009). Dynamic marine protected areas can improve the resilience of coral reef systems. Ecology Letters, 12, 1336–1346.
Game, E.T., Grantham, H.S., Hobday, A.J., Pressey, R.L., Lombard, A.T., Beckley, L.E., Gjerde, K., Bustamante, R., Possingham, H.P. & Richardson, A.J. (2009). Pelagic protected areas: the missing dimension in ocean conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 24, 360–369.
Bottrill, M.C., Joseph, L.N., Carwardine, J., Bode, M., Cook, C., Game, E.T., Grantham, H., Kark, S., Linke, S., McDonald-Madden, E., Pressey, R.L., Walker, S., Wilson, K.A. & Possingham, H.P. (2008). Is conservation triage just smart decision making? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 23, 649–654.
Game, E.T., McDonald-Maddn, E., Puotinen, M.L. & Possingham, H.P. (2008). Should we protect the strong or the weak? Risk, resilience, and the selection of Marine Protected Areas. Conservation Biology, 22, 1619–1629.
Game, E.T., Watts, M.E., Wooldridge, S. & Possingham, H.P. (2008). Planning for persistence in marine reserves: a question of catastrophic importance. Ecological Applications, 18, 670–680.