Our People

Eddie Game

Lead Scientist & Director of Conservation, Asia Pacific

Brisbane, Australia

Eddie Game headshot.

Eddie Game Eddie Game is the Lead Scientist & Director of Conservation for The Nature Conservancy’s Asia Pacific region, and Head of the Oceania Programs. © TNC


Asia Pacific, Biological Monitoring, Climate Change, Conservation Planning & Reserve Design


Andrew Harmon


Eddie Game is the Lead Scientist & Director of Conservation for The Nature Conservancy’s Asia Pacific region, and Head of the Oceania Programs. With dual leadership roles, Eddie is responsible for ensuring that TNC remains a world leader in making science-based conservation decisions and brings together our programs in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands in recognition of the regions' importance and role in tackling global diversity and climate crisis. Eddie has had the privilege of working on conservation in more than 20 countries, helping to apply innovative methods to projects as diverse as community-protected areas in Melanesia, grazing management in northern Kenya, snow leopard conservation in Mongolia, forestry in Indonesia and catchment restoration in Colombia.

Eddie’s work also focuses on how we measure and report on the impact of our work and the role technology can play in helping do so. Eddie and his team have been enthusiastic adopters of ecoacoustics, developing partnerships that bring together cutting-edge academic research with real-world applications in countries including Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Myanmar, Australia and Gabon.

He has published more than 75 papers on aspects of conservation science and climate change, and his first book, Conservation Planning: Informed Decisions for a Healthier Planet, co-authored with Craig Groves, was published in 2015. Eddie is formerly editor-in-chief of the leading conservation journal Conservation Letters (2015-2023). For his work on how climate change data can be used in decision making, he was the recipient of the Great Barrier Reef Foundation’s inaugural prize for innovative concepts to conserve the reef in the face of climate change. Eddie received his PhD in marine conservation and decision science from the University of Queensland and holds an adjunct faculty position there.

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