Peer-Reviewed Papers
Prokopy, L.S., Gramig, B.M., Bower, A., Church, S.P., Ellison, B., Gassman, P.W., Genskow, K., Gucker, D., Hallett, S.G., Hill, J., Hunt, N., Johnson, K.A., Kaplan, I., Kelleher, J.P., Kok, H., Komp, M., Lammers, P., LaRose, S., Liebman, M., Margenot, A., Mulla, D., O’Donnell, M.J., Peimer, A.W., Reaves, E., Salazar, K., Schelly, C., Schilling, K., Secchi, S., Spaulding, A.D., Swenson, D., Thompson, A.W., Ulrich‑Schad, J.D. The urgency of transforming the Midwestern U.S. landscape into more than corn and soybean. Agriculture and Human Values. (2020).
Johnson, K.A., Wing, O.E.J., Bates, P.D., Fargione, J. Kroeger, T., Larson, W.D., Sampson, C.C., Smith, A. A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Floodplain Land Acquisition for U.S. Flood Damage Reduction. 2019 Nature Sustainability 3: 56–62 (2020)
Antolini, F., Tate, E., Dalzell, B., Young, N., Johnson, K.A., Hawthorne, P.L. Flood Risk Reduction from Agricultural Best Management Practices. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 2019 JAWRA: 1-19
Keeler, B., Dalzell, B., Gourevitch, J., Hawthorne, P., Johnson, K.A., Noe, R. 2019. Putting people on the map: focus on endpoints for improved ecosystem service prioritization. Frontiers in Ecology & Environment doi:10.1002/fee.2004
Johnson, K.A., Piazza, B.P., Fore, J.D., Motew, M. 2018. Prioritizing floodplains to restore the health of the Mississippi River Basin. Solutions Journal, Volume 9, Issue 3, July 2018.
Smith, A., Sampson, C., Neal, J. Bates, P., Trigg, M., Freer, J., Porter, R., Kappes, M., Simpson, A., Jongman, B., Johnson, K.A. 2018. Modeling and mapping of global flood hazard layers. In: Schumann, G., Bates, P., Apel, H., Aronica G.T. (Eds.) Global Flood Hazard: Applications in Modeling, Mapping and Forecasting, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
Wing, O., Bates, P., Fargione, J., Johnson, K.A., Sampson, C., Smith, A. 2018. Estimates of present and future flood risk in the conterminous U.S. Environ. Res. Lett. 13 034023.
Wing, O., Bates, P., Sampson, C., Smith, A. Johnson, K.A., Erickson, T.A. 2017. Validation of a 30m resolution flood hazard model of the conterminous United States. Water Resour. Res. 53 7968–7986.
Johnson, K.A., Dalzell, B., Donahue, M., Gourevitch, J., Johnson, D., Karlovits, G., Keeler, B., and Smith, J. 2016. Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands provide ecosystem service benefits that exceed land rental payment costs. Ecosystem Services. 18: 175-185.
Polasky, S. and Johnson, K.A. 2014. Are investments to promote biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services aligned? In: Helm, D. and Hepburn, C. (Eds.) Nature in the Balance: the Economics of Biodiversity, Oxford University Press, UK.
Johnson, K.A., Polasky, S., Nelson, E., Pennington, D. 2012. Uncertainty in ecosystem services valuation and implications for assessing land use tradeoffs: an agricultural case study from the Minnesota River Basin. Ecological Economics 79: 71-79.
Johnson, K.A., Dana, G., Jordan, N., Draeger, K.J., Kapuscinski, A., Schmitt Olabisi, L.K., Reich, P.B., 2012. Using participatory scenarios to stimulate social learning for collaborative sustainable development. Ecology and Society 17(2): 9.
Keeler, B., Polasky, S., Brauman, K.A., Johnson, K.A., Finlay, J.C., O’Neill, A., Kovacs, K., Dalzell, B. 2012. Linking water quality and well-being for improved assessment and valuation of ecosystem services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (45): 18619-18624.
Polasky, S., Nelson, E., Pennington, D., Johnson, K.A. 2011. The impact of land-use change on ecosystem services, biodiversity, and returns to landowners: a case study in the state of Minnesota. Environment and Resource Economics 48: 219-242.
Schmitt Olabisi, L.K., Kapuscinski, A.R., Johnson, K.A., Reich, P.B., Stenquist, B., Draeger, K.J. 2010. Using scenario visioning and participatory system dynamics modeling to investigate the future: lessons from Minnesota 2050. Sustainability 2: 2686-2706.
Schmitt Olabisi, L.K, P.B. Reich, K.A. Johnson, A.R. Kapuscinski, S. Suh, E. Wilson. 2009. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions for climate stabilization: framing regional options. Environmental Science and Technology 43: 1696-1703.
Johnson, K.A. and Nelson, K.C. 2004. Common property and conservation: the potential for communal forest management within a national park in Mexico. Human Ecology 32(6): 703-733.