Visit Christina’s Google Scholar Profile for a full list of publications.
*Indicates that co-lead authors contributed equally
Smith, O.M., C.M. Kennedy, A. Echeverri, D.S. Karp, C.E Latimer, J.M. Taylor, J.P. Owen, W.E. Snyder. 2022. Complex landscapes stabilize farm bird communities and their expected ecosystem services. Journal of Applied Ecology 00:1-15.
Taylor, J., O.M. Smith, M. Edworthy, C.M. Kennedy, C.E Latimer, J.P. Owen, E.E. Wilson-Rankin, W.E. Snyder. 2022. Bird predation and landscape context shape arthropod communities on broccoli. Ornithological Applications duac005.
Smith, O.M., E. Olimpi, N. Navarro-Gonzalez, K. Cornell, L. Frishkoff, T. Northfield, T. Bowles, M. Edworthy, J. Eilers, Z. Fu, K. Garcia, D. Gonthier, M. Jones, C.M. Kennedy, C.E. Latimer, J.P. Owen, C. Sato, J.M. Taylor, E.E. Wilson-Rankin, W.E. Snyder, D.S. Karp. 2022. A trait-based framework for predicting foodborne pathogen risk from wild birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 23:e2523.
Johnson*, J.A., C.M. Kennedy*, J.R. Oakleaf, S. Baruch-Mordo, S. Polasky, J. Kiesecker. 2021. Energy matters: Mitigating the impacts of future land expansion will require managing energy and extractive footprints. Ecological Economics 187, 107106.
Tallis, H., J. Fargione, E. Game, R. McDonald, L. Baumgarten, N. Bhagabati, R. Cortez, B. Griscom, J. Higgins, C.M. Kennedy, J. Kiesecker, T. Kroeger, T. Leberer, J. McGowan, L. Mandle, Y.J. Masuda, S.A. Morrison, S. Palmer, R. Shirer, P. Shyamsundar, N.H. Wolff, and H.P. Possingham. 2021. Prioritizing actions: Spatial action maps for conservation. Annals N.Y. Academy of Sciences.
Smith, O.M., J.M. Taylor, A. Echeverri, T. Northfield, K.C. Cornell, M.S. Jones, C.E. Latimer, J.P. Owen, W.E. Snyder, C.M. Kennedy. 2021. Big wheel keep on turnin’: Linking grower attitudes, farm management, and delivery of avian ecosystem services. Biological Conservation 254,108970.
Theobald, D.M., C.M. Kennedy, B. Chen, J.R. Oakleaf, S. Baruch-Mordo, J. Kiesecker. 2020. Earth transformed: Detailed mapping of global human modification from 1990 to 2017. Earth Systems Science Data 12, 1953-1972.
McKenney, B., J. Wilkinson, J. Kiesecker, C.M. Kennedy, J.R. Oakleaf. 2020. Ch. 5.3 Biodiversity Offsets in Financing Nature: Closing the global biodiversity financing gap. Deutz, A., G.M. Heal, R. Niu, E. Swanson, T. Townshend, L. Zhu, A. Delmar, A. Meghji, S. A. Sethi, and J. Tobin-de la Puente. The Paulson Institute, The Nature Conservancy, and the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability.
Smith, O.M., A. Edworthy, J.M. Taylor, M.S. Jones, A. Tormanen, C.M. Kennedy, Z. Fu, C.E. Latimer, K.C. Cornell, L.A. Michelotti, C. Sato, T. Northfield, W.E. Snyder, J.P. Owen. 2020. Agricultural intensification heightens food safety risks posed by wild birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 57, 2246-2257.
Riggio, J., J.E.M. Baillie, S. Brumby, E. Ellis, T. Evans, C.M. Kennedy, J.R. Oakleaf, A. Tait, T. Tepe, D.M. Theobald, O. Venter, J.E.M. Watson, and A.P. Jacobson. 2020. Global human influence maps reveal clear opportunities in conserving Earth’s remaining intact terrestrial ecosystems. Global Change Biology 26, 4344-4356.
C.E. Latimer, O.M. Smith, J. Taylor, A. Edworthy, J. Owen, W. Snyder and C.M. Kennedy. 2020. Landscape context mediates the physiological stress response of birds to farmland diversification. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(4), 671-680.
Smith, O.M., A.L. Cohen, M.S. Jones, R.J. Orpet, J.M. Taylor, J.H. Thurman, K.A. Cornell, R.L. Olsson, Yang Ge, J.P. Reganold, C.M. Kennedy, and D.W. Crowder. 2020. Landscape context affects the sustainability of organic farming systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(6):2870-2878.
Smith, O.M., C.M. Kennedy, J.P. Owen, T.D. Northfield, C.E. Latimer, and W.E. Snyder. 2019. Highly diversified crop-livestock farming systems reshape wild bird communities. Journal of Ecological Applications, 30(2), e02031.
Kiesecker, J., S. Baruch-Mordo, M. Heiner, D. Negandhi, J. Oakleaf, C.M. Kennedy, and P. Chauhan. 2020. Renewable energy and land use in India: A vision to facilitate sustainable development. Sustainability, 12(1), 281.
Kennedy, C.M., J. Oakleaf, S. Baruch-Mordo, D. M. Theobald, and J. Kiesecker. 2020. Finding middle ground: Extending conservation beyond wilderness areas. Global Change Biology, 26(2), 333-336.
Oakleaf, J. C.M. Kennedy, S. Baruch-Mordo, J.S. Gerber, P.C. West, J.A. Johnson, and J. Kiesecker. 2019. Mapping global development potential for renewable energy, fossil fuels, mining and agricultural sectors. Scientific Data, 6(1), 101.
Kiesecker, J., S. Baruch-Mordo, C.M. Kennedy, J.R. Oakleaf, A. Baccini, B. Griscom. 2019. Hitting the target but missing the mark: Unintended environmental consequences of the Paris Climate Agreement. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7, 151.
Baruch-Mordo, S. J. Kiesecker, C.M. Kennedy, J.R. Oakleaf, and J.J. Opperman. 2019. From Paris to Practice: Sustainable implementation of renewable energy goals. Environmental Research Letters, 14(2), 024013.
Shackelford, G.E., T.R. Kelsey, W.J. Sutherland, C.M. Kennedy, S.A. Wood, S. Gennet, D.S. Karp, C. Kremen, N. Seavy, J. Jedlicka, K. Gravuer, S.M. Kross, D.A. Bossio, A. Muñoz-Sáez, D.E. Griffin, K. Garbach, L.D. Ford, M. Felice, M.D. Reynolds, D.R. Rao, K. Boomer, P. Alvarez, G. LeBuhn, L.V. Dicks. 2019. Evidence synthesis as the basis for decision analysis: A method for selecting the best agricultural practices for multiple ecosystem services. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 3, 83.
Griscom, B.W., G. Lomax, T. Kroeger, J.E. Fargione, J. Adams, L. Almond, D. Bossio, S.C. Cook-Patton, P.W. Ellis, C.M. Kennedy, J. Kiesecker. 2019. We need both natural and energy solutions to stabilize our climate. Global Change Biology, 25,1889-1890.
Kennedy, C.M.*, J. Oakleaf*, D. M. Theobald, S. Baruch-Mordo, J. Kiesecker. 2019. Managing the middle: A shift in conservation priorities based on the global human modification gradient. Global Change Biology, 12, 811-826.
*Recommended as the ‘top’ 20 influential papers of 2019 as assessed by experts in F1000 Prime Faculty.
Chen, B., C.M. Kennedy, B. Xu. 2019. Effective moratoria on land acquisitions to reduce tropical deforestation: Evidence from Indonesia. Environmental Research Letters, 14(4), 044009.
Kennedy, C.M. 2018. Conserving Species in a Fragmented World: The Arising Researcher. The Paper Trail. Ecological Society of America Bulletin, 99(2), 166-167.
Ali, M., C.M. Kennedy, J. Kiesecker, Y. Geng. 2018. Integrating biodiversity offsets within Circular Economy policy in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 185, 32-43.
Lichtenberg, E.M., C.M. Kennedy, C. Kremen, P. Batáry, F. Berendse, R. Bommarco, N.A. Bosque-Pérez, L.G. Carvalheiro, W. Snyder, N.M. Williams, R. Winfree, B.K. Klatt, S. Åström, B. Faye, C. Brittain, R. Chaplin-Kramer, Y. Clough, B. Danforth, T. Diekötter, S.D. Eigenbrode, J. Ekroos, E. Elle, B.M. Freitas, Y. Fukuda, H.R. Gaines-Day, H. Grab, C. Gratton, A. Holzschuh, I. Rufus, M. Isaia, S. Jha, D. Jonason, V.P. Jones, A.M. Klein, J. Krauss, D.K. Letourneau, S. Macfadyen, R.E. Mallinger, E.A. Martin, E. Martinez, J. Memmott, L. Morandin, L. Neame, M. Otieno, M.G. Park, L. Pfiffner, M.J.O. Pocock, C. Ponce, S.G. Potts, K. Poveda, M. Ramos, J.A. Rosenheim, M. Rundlöf, H. Sardiñas, M.E. Saunders, N.L. Schon, A.R. Sciligo, C.S. Sidhu, I. Steffan-Dewenter, T. Tscharntke, M. Veselý, W.W. Weisser, J.K. Wilson, and D.W. Crowder. 2017. A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity within fields and across agricultural landscapes. Global Change Biology, 23, 4946-4957.
Kennedy, C.M., E.F Zipkin, and P.P. Marra. 2017. Differential matrix use by Neotropical birds based on species traits and landscape condition. Ecological Applications, 27, 619-631.
Kiesecker, J., K. Sochi, J. Evans, C.M. Kennedy, M. Heiner, and J. Oakleaf. 2017. Conservation in the real world: Pragmatism does not equal surrender. In: Effective Conservation Science: Data Not Dogma (eds. Kareiva, P., Marvier, M., and Silliman, B.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.
Kennedy, C.M., P.L. Hawthorne, K. Sochi, D.A. Miteva, L. Baumgarten, E.M. Uhlhorn, and J. Kiesecker. 2017. Biofuels expansion and environmental quality in Brazil. In: Energy Sprawl Solutions: Balancing Global Development and Conservation (eds. Kiesecker, J.M. and Naugle, D.E.). Island Press, Washington, D.C., 101-112.
Oakleaf, J., C.M. Kennedy, S. Baruch-Mordo, and J.M. Kiesecker. 2017. Geography of Risk. In: Energy Sprawl Solutions: Balancing Global Development and Conservation (eds. Kiesecker, J.M. and Naugle, D.E.). Island Press, Washington, D.C., 9-20.
Oakleaf, J.R., M. Matsumoto, C.M. Kennedy, L. Baumgarten, D.A. Miteva, K. Sochi, and J. Kiesecker. 2017. LegalGEO: Conservation tool to guide the siting of legal reserves under the Brazilian Forest Code. Applied Geography, 86, 53-65.
Rhoades, P., T. Griswold, L. Waits, N.A. Bosque-Pérez, C.M. Kennedy, S.D. Eigenbrode. 2017. Sampling technique affects detection of habitat factors influencing wild bee communities. Journal of Insect Conservation, 1-12.
Ali, M., C.M. Kennedy, J. Kiesecker, Y. Geng. 2017. Measuring China’s Circular Economy –Integrating Biodiversity Offsets. Science Policy Forum. eLetter (22 May 2017).
Kennedy, C.M., Hawthorne, P.L., Miteva, D.A., Baumgarten, L., Sochi, K., Matsumoto, M., Evans, J.S., Polasky, S., Hamel, P., Monteiro Viera, E., Ferreira Develey, P., Sekercioğlu, C.H., Davidson, A.D., Uhlhorn, E.M., Kiesecker, J. 2016. Optimizing land use decision-making to sustain Brazilian agricultural profits, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Biological Conservation, 204, Part B, 221-230.
Kennedy, C.M.*, Miteva, D.A.*, Baumgarten, L., Hawthorne, P.L., Sochi, K., Polasky, S., Oakleaf, J.R., Uhlhorn, E.M. & Kiesecker, J. 2016. Bigger is better: improved nature conservation and economic returns from landscape-level mitigation. Science Advances, 2, e1501021. * Co-lead authors contributed equally
Tallis, H., Kennedy, C.M., Ruckelshaus, M., Goldstein, J. & Kiesecker, J.M. 2016. Mitigation for the people: an ecosystem services framework. In: Handbook on biodiversity and ecosystem services in impact assessment (ed. Geneletti, D.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 397–427.
Oakleaf, J.R., Kennedy, C.M., Baruch-Mordo, S., West, P.C., Gerber, J.S., Jarvis, L. & Kiesecker, J. 2015. A world at risk: aggregating development trends to forecast global habitat conversion. PLoS ONE, 10, e0138334.
Tallis, H.*, Kennedy, C.M.*, Ruckelshaus, M., Goldstein, J. & Kiesecker, J.M. 2015. Mitigation for one and all: An integrated framework for mitigation of development impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 55, 21–34. * Co-lead authors contributed equally
Boyle, S.A., Kennedy, C.M., Torres, J., Colman, K., Pérez-Estigarribia, P.E. & Sancha, N.U. de la. 2014. High-resolution satellite imagery is an important yet underutilized resource in conservation biology. PLoS ONE, 9, e86908.
Garibaldi, L.A., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Winfree, R., Aizen, M.A., Bommarco, R., Cunningham, S.A., Kremen, C., Carvalheiro, L.G., Harder, L.D., Afik, O., Bartomeus, I., Benjamin, F., Boreux, V., Cariveau, D., Chacoff, N.P., Dudenhöffer, J.H., Freitas, B.M., Ghazoul, J., Greenleaf, S., Hipólito, J., Holzschuh, A., Howlett, B., Isaacs, R., Javorek, S.K., Kennedy, C.M., Krewenka, K.M., Krishnan, S., Mandelik, Y., Mayfield, M.M., Motzke, I., Munyuli, T., Nault, B.A., Otieno, M., Petersen, J., Pisanty, G., Potts, S.G., Rader, R., Ricketts, T.H., Rundlöf, M., Seymour, C.L., Schüepp, C., Szentgyörgyi, H., Taki, H., Tscharntke, T., Vergara, C.H., Viana, B.F., Wanger, T.C., Westphal, C., Williams, N. & Klein, A.M. 2013. Wild pollinators enhance fruit set of crops regardless of honey bee abundance. Science, 339, 1608–1611.
Kennedy, C.M., Lonsdorf, E., Neel, M.C., Williams, N.M., Ricketts, T.H., Winfree, R., Bommarco, R., Brittain, C., Burley, A.L., Cariveau, D., Carvalheiro, L.G., Chacoff, N.P., Cunningham, S.A., Danforth, B.N., Dudenhöffer, J.-H., Elle, E., Gaines, H.R., Garibaldi, L.A., Gratton, C., Holzschuh, A., Isaacs, R., Javorek, S.K., Jha, S., Klein, A.M., Krewenka, K., Mandelik, Y., Mayfield, M.M., Morandin, L., Neame, L.A., Otieno, M., Park, M., Potts, S.G., Rundlöf, M., Saez, A., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Taki, H., Viana, B.F., Westphal, C., Wilson, J.K., Greenleaf, S.S. & Kremen, C. 2013. A global quantitative synthesis of local and landscape effects on wild bee pollinators in agroecosystems. Ecology Letters, 16, 584–599.
Oakleaf, J.R., Kennedy, C.M., Boucher, T. & Kiesecker, J. 2013. Tailoring global data to guide corporate investments in biodiversity, environmental assessments, and sustainability. Sustainability, 5, 4444–4460.
Kennedy, C.M., Grant, E.H.C., Neel, M.C., Fagan, W.F. & Marra, P.P. 2011. Landscape matrix mediates occupancy dynamics of Neotropical avian insectivores. Ecological Applications, 21, 1837–1850.
Kennedy, C.M. & Marra, P.P. 2010. Matrix mediates avian movements in tropical forested landscapes: Inference from experimental translocations. Biological Conservation, 143, 2136–2145.
Kennedy, C.M., Marra, P.P., Fagan, W.F. & Neel, M.C. 2010. Landscape matrix and species traits mediate responses of Neotropical resident birds to forest fragmentation in Jamaica. Ecological Monographs, 80, 651–669.
Fagan, W.F., Aumann, C., Kennedy, C.M. & Unmack, P.J. 2005. Rarity, fragmentation, and the scale-dependence of extinction risk in desert fishes. Ecology, 86, 34–41.
Fagan, W.F., Kennedy, C.M. & Unmack, P.J. 2005. Quantifying rarity, losses, and risks for lower Colorado River Basin fishes: Implications for conservation listing. Conservation Biology, 19, 1872–1882.
Kennedy, C.M., Wilkinson, J. & Balch, J. 2003. Conservation Thresholds for Land Use Planners. Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C.
Wilkinson, J., & Kennedy, C.M. 2003. Planning with Nature: Biodiversity Information in Action. Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C.
Filbey, M., Kennedy, C.M., Wilkinson, J. & Balch, J. 2002. Halting the Invasion: State Tools for Invasive Species Management. Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C.
Wilkinson, J., Kennedy, C.M., Mott, K., Filbey, M., King, S. & McElfish, J. 2002. Banks & Fees: The Status of Off-site Wetland Mitigation in the U.S.. Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C.
Wilkinson, J., Kennedy, C.M., Mott, K. & McElfish, J. 2001. Status of the States: Innovative State Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation. Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C.