Pete Waldie
Country Director, Solomon Islands Program
Honiara, Solomon Islands

Peter Waldie Peter Waldie headshot. © TNC
Program mgmt, community-based natural resource mgmt, conservation science, marine ecology
Peter (Pete) Waldie has led The Nature Conservancy’s Solomon Islands Program as country director since September 2022. Before that, he worked for six years across The Nature Conservancy’s Pacific and Melanesia Divisions as a coastal fisheries scientist and marine program manager. Pete has a strong background in management and a deep understanding of both the ecological and social aspects of natural resource management and conservation. He completed his PhD in 2016 with James Cook University, where he investigated the suitability of community-based management in conserving large, threatened, fishery-targeted coral reef fishes. Pete’s PhD research was conducted in New Ireland Province in Papua New Guinea, where he spent many months living in rural communities and working closely with subsistence and artisanal fishers.
In his role as country director, Pete is leading TNC’s team in the Solomon Islands. Solomon Islands forms the southeastern corner of the Coral Triangle and is home to some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet. TNC has been working in close partnership with communities, government and other stakeholders to conserve Solomon Islands’ natural environment for more than 30 years—including supporting the establishment and ongoing protection of the Arnavon Islands under Solomon Islands’ first National Park.