Our People

Scott Lemmons

State Director


A man wearing a salmon colored shirt and a cap smiles at the camera.

Scott Lemmons Scott Lemmons is The Nature Conservancy's State Director in Mississippi. © Courtesy/Scott Lemmons

Areas of Expertise

project management, forestry, wetland ecology, wildlife biology

Media Contacts

Becky Russell
ph. 601-397-2134


Prior to becoming The Nature Conservancy's Mississippi State Director in 2024, Scott Lemmons was TNC's Director of Freshwater Programs for ten years. In that role, he focused on wetland restoration, bottomland hardwood reforestation programs, large-scale floodplain reconnections and side channel reconnection projects along the Mississippi River and Yazoo Basin.

During this time, Lemmons was also instrumental in directing TNC's presence at Loch Leven in Southwest Mississippi, the largest floodplain reconnection in the history of the Lower Mississippi River Basin. Through his leadership, Lemmons brought together more than 15 state, local and federal partners to complete the multi-million dollar 6,000-acre floodplain reconnection project.

As a Registered Forester, Scott also initiated and managed the USFS Stewardship Agreements with three national forests in Mississippi, brokering timber sales on the National Forests and utilizing the Stewardship Agreements to restore the sale tracts back to native longleaf pine habitat. 

Before joining TNC, Scott spent 10 years working for USDA/APHIS/Wildlife Services/National Wildlife Research Center as a wildlife biologist mitigating human-wildlife conflicts as related to agriculture and public health and safety, with most of his focus within the Mississippi Delta region. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science dgree in Forestry from the Mississippi State University College of Forest Resources.

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