Our Science

Bridge Collaborative

Health, Development, Environment – Everything’s Connected.

Rishikesh, India
Rishikesh, India In this town, located at the base of the Himalayan Mountains and considered one of the holiest places in Hinduism, pilgrims bathe and gather at the Ganges River. © Ian Shive/Tandem Stills+Motio

The Bridge Collaborative is driving a fundamental shift in how we think, plan, fund and work across sectors to make bigger change faster.

We unite people and organizations in health, development and the environment with the evidence and tools to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges—from air pollution and poverty, to biodiversity loss and malnutrition, to climate change and inequality. Because there's only one way to solve the tough, complex problems we face: Together.

Find the Tools to put Evidence into Action

  • Bridge Collaborative Practitioner’s Guide

    Bridge Collaborative Practitioner’s Guide


    Our members co-designed the Practitioner’s Guide with a focus on practical ways to put shared evidence into action offering a set of principles & guidance for planning and acting across sectors. We’re testing & expanding on this tool to inform cross-sector strategies, policies and funding decisions.

  • The Philanthropic Funding Landscape

    Conversations on Planetary Health


    Co-authored by the Bridge Collaborative and Panorama, this report assesses the landscape of global philanthropic donors for health and environment. We also provide tangible ways to work together with donors to unlock funding to tackle the complex problems facing our world today.

  • A Report by the Bridge Collaborative

    A Call to Action


    With our policy-focused Call to Action report, we share poignant stories of the challenges we still can’t solve and a vision of what is needed to build the understanding and support of partners, funders, governments, policymakers and other stakeholders to chart a different future.

The Bridge Collaborative Learn about the cross-cutting power and potential of clean cooking from one of our members