Cattle, soy, and palm oil are keystone commodities that underpin entire economies, support millions of rural livelihoods and permeate global food systems. However, they also drive habitat and biodiversity loss. To meet rising demand sustainably, we need resilient business models that decouple production from deforestation and certain land use change that contributes to emissions and habitat loss. Financial institutions, as the providers of capital to commodity companies, have the power to change the trajectory of deforestation and conversion rates. These emerging models can drive a new wave of agricultural productivity, reducing emissions and resource use while enhancing resilience and lowering costs.
Join us on April 24-25, 2025, at the Royal Society in London for a day and a half of private workshops to help you achieve deforestation and conversion-free finance. This closed door event will provide essential training to help the financial sector understand commodity supply chains, manage risk and achieve growth through empowered client-facing teams.
To support the financial sector in allocating capital in a way that considers evolving risks, meets Net Zero goals and achieves growth by financing resilient business models that decouple agricultural production from harmful land use change and deforestation.
Macro-Economic, Policy and Regulatory Outlooks: Gain insights into the latest trends and responses to the food system's role in meeting climate, nature and social goals.
Financial Risks: Understand the rising material financial risks associated with deforestation and land conversion within key agricultural commodity supply chains.
Engagement with your portfolios: Learn about robust strategies, red flags, tangible and detailed best practice examples and critical questions to ask of management.
Innovative Solutions: Discover new financing opportunities that deliver higher yields, lower emissions, land restoration and better farmer incomes.
Who Should Attend:
This closed-door bespoke interactive workshop is designed for client facing, risk and responsible investment teams across banks and investors. It will provide decision-useful insights, examples from companies and sector-specific practical knowledge to help financial professionals support their customers' transition while achieving their own Net Zero portfolio objectives.
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your team's capacity and contribute to a sustainable future. Register now to secure your spot!