You're invited to our favorite spring community event, Open Farm Day, at Brownsville Preserve. Join our Volgenau Virginia Coast Reserve (VVCR) staff and volunteers for a day full of nature and food!
There's something for everyone to enjoy during Open Farm Day. Take in the beauty of the 1,250-acre preserve from your seat on a guided wagon ride. Do a little bird watching from our docks on Upshur and Phillips Creeks. Or search for geocaches along the public birding and wildlife trail. Enjoy the many benefits of time spent together in the great outdoors!
Want to be a part of the fun? We are currently recruiting for volunteers to assist with family activities, parking, lunch, musicians and photography.
For more information about the event, or to volunteer, please contact Outreach and Education Coordinator Margaret Van Clief at mvanclief@tnc.org or 757-414-9227.
Se habla español!
Todos están invitados a unirse a The Nature Conservancy para nuestro evento comunitario favorito de primavera, que incluye visitas guias a la naturaleza, actividades familiares, paseos en carreta, un almuerzo tipo picnic (hasta agotar stock) y más.
Evento gratis y abierto al público.
Por favor, comuníquese con Margaret en mvanclief@tnc.org para obtener más información.