With your help, The Nature Conservancy has protected this remarkable oasis for birds, wildlife and people in East Haddam. We’ve worked with landowners and donors like you to expand this critical habitat to its current 1,122 acres. Burnham Brook Preserve protects a classic Atlantic salmon habitat in nearly pristine condition.
The preserve also hosts the home of Dr. Richard Goodwin, one of the original founders of TNC in 1951. The historical building currently operates as a field office for TNC, Eightmile River Wild & Scenic Coordinating Committee and the East Haddam Land Trust to ensure public access to miles of trails, engage with local residents, seek new opportunities to protect open space, and manage habitat. The field office opened in the spring of 2023.
Why You Should Visit
This is an upland site that protects the watersheds of Burnham Brook, Strong Brook, and the Eightmile River. It is close to 1,000-acre Devil's Hopyard State Park.
Why TNC Selected This Site
This preserve’s section of the Eightmile River is a classic Atlantic salmon habitat in nearly pristine condition.
What TNC Has Done/Is Doing
Because of its location in the watershed of the Eightmile River, one of the most important conservation areas of the Tidelands of the Connecticut River region, Burnham Brook has remained a high conservation priority in recent years, to which TNC has added wherever possible with acquisitions and conservation easements.