PLEASE NOTE: Moss Lake is open during hunting season. Hunting is not allowed at Moss Lake.
Tread lightly on this fragile ecosystem while you enjoy the boardwalk and woodland trails. Please do not walk on the sphagnum moss or feed the bullhead fish.
Hours of visitation
Moss Lake Preserve is open to the public from dawn to dusk.
What to See
At least 75 species of birds have been seen at the preserve, including waterfowl such as wood duck, canvasback, redhead, and horned- and pied-billed grebe. Waders include great blue and green herons and raptors include red-tailed hawk, northern harrier and osprey. In spring, up to 17 species of warblers can be seen foraging for insects. Upland wildlife includes deer, chipmunks, gray squirrels and woodchucks.
A boardwalk over the mat enables visitors to enjoy the bog's unusual flora: bog laurel, carnivorous round-leaved and spatulate-leaved sundew and pitcher plants, leatherleaf, cranberries and bog club moss. Insectivorous bladderwort can be seen in full yellow bloom in July.
To help ensure that this special place can be enjoyed for future generations, please leave no trace and carry out what you carry in. Camping, littering, hunting, fires, or removal or destruction of plants or animals are prohibited. See our full preserve visitation guidelines for more information.