

Places We Protect

Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve


A river winds through a rocky canyon.
Sheep Bridge Bend in the Virgin River on the Sheep Bridge parcel. © Stuart Ruckman

Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve is a lush oasis along the Virgin River near Zion National Park.



Situated near the town of Virgin and the gateway to Zion National Park, this spectacular property supports two miles of lush Virgin River corridor, including critical habitat for neo-tropical birds like the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher, at-risk fish like the flannelmouth sucker and countless amphibians and reptiles. Visitors can explore flat, clearly marked nature trails winding above the river, which is lined with shady cottonwoods and willows. This preserve lies within one of the most pristine stretches of the Virgin River, a key tributary in the Colorado River system that faces increasing threats from development and climate change.

Please note bike rider access to this property has changed. Please see the preserve map and/or read the Visitor Notice tab under the Visit section below.



Pets are not permitted; help us protect wildlife, and leave your pets at home.


Visitors can enjoy hiking trails, educational signage, birdwatching and more at Sheep Bridge Preserve.


419 acres

Explore our work in Utah

Explore the Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve

The Virgin River is one of the most remarkable, and most threatened, rivers in the Southwest. Spanning elevations from 10,000 feet to the desert floor, the river encompasses vastly different ecoregions and a stunning array of biodiversity—40 state-sensitive species, 12 federally listed species and six native fish.

Bird's-eye view of the Virgin River winding through a landscape of rock cliffs and scrubland.
Expansive view of the red rock formations of Sheep Bridge along the Virgin River in Utah.
A close-up of the rushing waters of the Virgin River at the Sheep Bridge Preserve.
View looking down on the Virgin River llined with riparian vegetation and cacti.
Scattered vegetation on a desert landscape cut through by the Virgin River and lit by the sun just beyond the horizon.




    Closest to the river you’ll see native Fremont cottonwoods and coyote willows. Invasive riparian plants such as tamarisk and Russian olive were removed in fall 2021 to give the natives a chance to flourish and provide the best habitat for birds and other types of wildlife. In spring, above the river canyon you’ll walk through a wide diversity of wildflowers including desert marigold, globe mallow, four o’clock, prickly pear cactus, claret cup cactus and sacred datura.


    If you’re fortunate, you might see an endangered southwestern willow flycatcher soar through the preserve on its way to nesting habitat close to St. George, Utah. Red-tailed hawks nest on the property each year and rely on prey like lizards and small mammals to feed their young. Other birds include the mountain bluebird, Say’s phoebe, tree swallows, cliff swallows and sharp-shinned hawks. At dusk it’s easy to spot bats hunting for insects.


    NOTICE FOR JEM TRAIL RIDERS: Rider access and trail use on this property has changed.


    Rider access and day-use parking for all portions of the JEM Trail is only permitted from designated BLM trailheads. Bikers may not park or start their rides from The Nature Conservancy’s Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve parking lot.

    Bike riders should park at the BLM “Sheep Bridge Trailhead,” located 2 miles south of the preserve on Sheep Bridge Road, halfway between SR 9 and SR 59. Click here for more information on BLM Trailheads.


    Riders can still use the portion of the JEM Trail that crosses through TNC’s Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve. However, the JEM Trail on this property is now designated as a directional trail. Riders will travel downhill on the current trail and return via the newly constructed Carne Asada trail. This new trail is also directional for mountain biking and provides a loop to return riders back to the BLM network. Visitors can view the preserve map here.


The river and the land at Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve have long been a source of sustenance for people. More than 400 years ago, Native Americans from the Shivwits Band of the Paiute Tribe valued and relied on the natural resources of this stretch of the Virgin River. In the 1850s, the narrow canyon walls at this preserve supported the first “sheep bridge,” a one-lane crossing that ranchers used to move sheep single-file across the river. Rebuilt several times over the years, a plank pedestrian bridge still stands today next to the modern bridge that now spans the river.

The Virgin River is one of the most remarkable, and most threatened, rivers in the Southwest. Spanning elevations from 10,000 feet to the desert floor, the river encompasses vastly different ecoregions and a stunning array of biodiversity—40 state-sensitive species, 12 federally listed species and six native fish. The river’s riparian corridor is vital for nesting, wintering and migration for neotropical birds including the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher, Wilson’s warbler and many more. The health of this river means life or death for its native fish such as the federally listed woundfin. This tiny fish is silvery, has no scales and has a shark-like appearance. Living only in the Virgin River, the woundfin eats aquatic plants, bugs and decaying material. Today the woundfin’s survival is threatened by invasive fish species, low water levels and pollution—problems that are compounded by the region’s fast-paced development and climate change.

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Your contributions help us continue our conservation work in Utah.

Carving through Zion National Park, the Virgin is responsible for some of the most scenic natural attractions in the United States—drawing millions of visitors. Downstream, human demands on the Virgin are growing. Washington County is on pace to reach a population of 500,000 in the next 50 years. A new urgency to protect this vital river is bringing together diverse partners and communities with creative solutions. Today there is potential to safeguard the Virgin’s rich, streamside corridors and develop projects with a common agenda—water sharing for people and wildlife.

TNC’s purchase and protection of the Sheep Bridge property was made possible by a range of supporters and partners, including the property’s previous landowners, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the State of Utah, the Virgin River Program and the Virgin River Land Preservation Association, as well as many TNC contributors.

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