

Places We Protect

Weaver Dunes Scientific and Natural Area


Vervain in bloom in a blufftop prairie
Sand prairie wildflowers at Weaver Dunes Scientific and Natural Area, near Kellogg, in Minnesota’s Wabasha County. © Michelle Kalantari/TNC

Weaver Dunes Preserve is on a sand terrace formed by the Mississippi, Chippewa and Zumbro Rivers.



Visitors to Weaver Dunes will be captivated by the majestic sand dunes themselves, some of which reach a height of 30 feet. Another highlight is the variety of vegetation on the site. With the arrival of fall, the foliage of the sand prairie and flood plain forests are spectacular. Look for wildlife including reptiles, migrating waterfowl and raptors at Weaver Dunes.

Why TNC Selected This Site

The Nature Conservancy was drawn to Weaver Dunes by the opportunity to protect critical habitat for wildlife. Conservation targets at Weaver Dunes include ground nesting grassland birds and the sand prairie they depend on.

What TNC Has Done/Is Doing

The Nature Conservancy acquired the Weaver Dunes Preserve in 1980 from John and Elizabeth Lamey. Two years later, the Kellogg Weaver Dunes Scientific and Natural Area was established a half-mile north of the preserve by the Department of Natural Resources. Other protected land nearby includes the McCarthy Lake Wildlife Management Area and the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge.

Weaver Dunes benefits greatly from volunteers. Most of the non-native pines have recently been removed from the preserve, and volunteers have collected seeds from the prairie to spread over the bare areas where the trees once stood. To maintain the prairie, the preserve has been divided into several units, each of which is burned every four years or so by the volunteer burn crew. Volunteers have also cut many junipers and other woody species that have invaded the prairie.

Over the years, many of the rare species on the preserve have been the subjects of research and monitoring to learn more about their ecology and methods of protecting them.




819 acres

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What to See: Plants

The preserve is one of the few places where the rough-seeded fameflower, a State-listed endangered species, is found. It blooms only three hours a day in mid-summer, beginning around 4:30 PM. Little bluestem and junegrass are the most abundant grasses. Many species of special concern in Minnesota are found on the preserve, including sea-beach needlegrass, purple sand-grass, beach-heather, sand milkweed, wild indigo, goat's rue, and cliff goldenrod. While wandering, notice how the changing topography influences the plant species found.

What to See: Animals

Several butterflies breed on the preserve, including the Ottoe skipper (a threatened species) and the regal fritillary (a species of special concern). The plains pocket mouse and gopher snake (or bull snake) are also species of special concern that are found at Weaver Dunes. Birds sighted at the preserve include the loggerhead shrike (a threatened species), western meadowlark, peregrine falcon, and Bell's vireo, and in winter, large numbers of bald eagles.

For more information on visiting this and other Minnesota preserves, check out our Preserve Visitation Guidelines.

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