

All Planned Giving Options

Testamentary Gifts

Poppies and purple chia Parker Ranch, California © Ian Shive

Help Nature for Generations to Come

One estate asset can benefit both The Nature Conservancy and your heirs. By making a testamentary life-income gift, your estate can create and fund a charitable gift annuity or unitrust.

Mad Island Marsh ALL INTERNAL RIGHTS, LIMITED EXTERNAL RIGHTS. December 2013. The Mad Island Marsh Preserve protects 7,063 acres, including rare tallgrass coastal prairies. Every winter, birders flock to preserves and parks to tally species and take part in the Christmas Bird Count, a friendly competition that pits teams from across the contitent against each other. For five years, the team at The Nature Conservancy's Mad Island Marsh Preserve has come out ahead. Photo credit: © Karine Aigner © Karine Aigner