About 400 species of birds can be found in northeast Tanzania's Arusha National Park. That means lots of birds to wake up to for the residents of Arusha city, which is located just south of the park.
Enjoy an audioscape featuring the sounds of early morning in Arusha: Wild birds as well as one that jauntily intrudes - the rooster - are punctuated by the occasional sounds of motors revving, horns honking, dogs barking, and people chatting as they start their days.

AUDIOSCAPE: Birdsong in Tanzania
Hear what a not-so-quiet February morning sounds like in the outskirts of Arusha, Tanzania.
Have you ever woken to the trill of a speckled mousebird or the chick-pea-pea-pea song of a red-billed African firefinch? Hear what a February morning sounds like in Arusha, Tanzania.
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