Give back while getting things done
Errands? Check. Workout? Check. Give back to nature just by completing your to-do list? Check.
When you shop for your outdoor gear at Backcountry, you have the option to donate $1 to The Nature Conservancy at checkout.
You can earn points by using the Bing search engine, with the option to donate your points to The Nature Conservancy. You can also earn points by shopping at Microsoft Stores (online and physical stores).
Want to do some good while you’re checking your social media accounts? Create a fundraiser on Facebook and share it with your friends.
Decluttering? If you choose to sell your old—or new—items on ebay for Charity, you can select The Nature Conservancy as the beneficiary.
More Ways to Donate or Raise Funds for Nature
Looking to make a one-time gift for nature? Or, perhaps you have an important event coming up and would like to raise funds for nature in honor of your special day? Check out some of the additional safe and secure websites that process donations for The Nature Conservancy!