


Natural Climate Solutions

Embracing Nature, Empowering the Planet

a close up of leaves on a tree, back-lit by the sun.
Oak Leaves Oak leaves in the sunshine at Milford Neck Preserve © John Hinkson/TNC

Combined with cutting fossil fuels and accelerating renewable energy, natural climate solutions offer immediate and cost-effective ways to tackle the climate crisis. These solutions for climate change also address biodiversity loss and support human health and livelihoods. 

Natural Climate Solutions Science shows that—combined with cutting fossil-fuel use and accelerating renewable energy— these solutions for climate change can help us avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

What are Natural Climate Solutions?

© Arif Rifqi

Natural Climate Solutions

are actions to protect, better manage and restore nature to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and store carbon.

Science led by TNC shows that—combined with cutting fossil-fuel use and accelerating renewable energy— these solutions for climate change can help us avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis.

TNC helps expand these critical efforts through science and partnership. We work with governments, businesses and communities to implement on-the-ground projects that show how nature can make the people and the planet safer. And we conduct cutting-edge science to further our understanding of nature as a climate solution to ensure we’re making the best investments in the most effective strategies.

Wind farm turbines
Holmes River Aerial view of the Holmes River, British Columbia, Canada. © Shane Kalyn

Natural Climate Solutions include practices like:

Planting trees in agricultural lands

See how farmers in Brazil are planting native trees on agricultural lands in a practice called agroforestry, which provides food security and economic opportunity.

Rewetting dried out peatlands

Meet the farmers and scientists in Indonesia and Minnesota, U.S. who are rewetting peatlands to help bring back essential biodiversity and provide clean water.

Restoring coastal mangroves

Learn about a project in Papua New Guinea that empowers local women to restore mangrove forests, ensuring food sustainability and making coastlines more resilient.

Avoided Grassland Conversion
In western Minnesota, protecting their land and managing it with grass-fed, Angus cattle keeps the prairie in good shape and a ranching operation financially stable.
Improved Forest Management
Better Management
The Family Forest Carbon Program opens up a pathway for small forest owners to improve forest health and help climate change while earning an income to cover costs.
Urban Reforestation
The Boise National Forest has one of the largest sustained reforestation programs in the U.S. Restoration-style planting focuses on planting long-lived tree species.
No-burn Agriculture
Better management
TNC is working with partners including the Borlaug Institute for South Asia to eliminate the practice of burning crop residue in northwest India.
Emerald Edge
To optimize the region’s carbon mitigation potential and ensure a sustainable future for local communities, TNC is working closely with key government and Indigenous partners.
Sustainable Dairy
Better management
TNC teamed up with the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy and other partners to identify, research, and implement regenerative practices that benefit dairy farmers and nature.
Blue Carbon in Virginia Coast Reserve
Since 2008, TNC and partners have broadcast more than 72 million seeds into 600 acres to help accelerate the natural spread of eelgrass, which now covers more than 9,500 acres.
Better management
TNC and partners are launching a 5-year project to catalyze agroforestry across 29 states, which will boost farmers’ incomes, carbon sequestration, soil health and water quality.
Soil Health
Better management
TNC and partners, including two Natural Resources Districts in the region, will collaborate with farmers in central Nebraska in the adoption of soil health practices.
Mangrove Restoration
We support and strengthen the capacity of Lamu communities to protect, manage, and restore priority mangrove habitat and deepen connections with Community Forest Associations.
Restoring the Rainforest with Cocoa Trees
To help restore the Amazon while providing better livelihoods, TNC has pioneered an initiative to work with farmers to plant sustainable agro-forests of cocoa in Brazil
Reduced-Impact Logging for Climate (RIL-C)
Better management
The Congo Basin is the world’s largest carbon sink, and lower-impact forestry methods used here can have a significant impact on global climate outcomes.
Environment-Friendly Shrimp Farming
Better management
YKAN, TNC's Indonesian affiliate, is supporting environment-friendly shrimp farming in mangrove ecosystems through the Shrimp-Carbon Aquaculture (SECURE) approach in East Kaliman.
Restoring Peat Swamps
YKAN, TNC's Indonesian affiliate, is working with provincial governments and communities to protect and measure the restoration of, peat swamp forests in East and North Kalimantan.
Restoring Coastal Wetlands
TNC and partners are restoring coastal wetlands in South Australia and building a model of conservation and sustainable financing to protect a million blue carbon hectares.
Protecting and restoring Peatlands
Instead of paying for expensive industrial filtration, TNC supports financing upstream landowners to use sustainable farming practices and conserve and restore natural areas.
Reef Restoration
The Nature Conservancy in the Dominican Republic has implemented a Water Funds strategy for the ecosystems that provide the cities of Santiago and Santo Domingo with freshwater.
Conserving Forests
Better management
In Ecuador, TNC is supporting the establishment of agroforestry systems, forest restoration, and mixed forest plantations in Indigenous territories.
Sustainable Forestry
Better management
Measuring the climate impact of conservation, sustainable forest management and regenerative ranching and agriculture in Guatemala’s 2.5 million hectare Maya Biosphere Reserve.
Mangrove Protection
Supporting conservation efforts in Marismas Nacionales, the largest mangrove wetland of the northern pacific coast of Mexico.
Mangrove Protection
TNC is protecting Papua New Guinea's mangroves through a unique partnership with Mangoro Market Meri (meaning Mangroves, Women, and Markets).
Protecting Peatlands
We support community-based organizations engaging in conservation in Mongolia’s grasslands and peatlands.

More NCS Examples

What is the science behind natural climate solutions?

In 2017, The Nature Conservancy led a landmark study that showed how natural solutions for climate change designed to protect, better manage, and restore forests, grasslands and wetlands could contribute up to a third of the emissions reductions we need to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. The authors developed a framework to distill the evidence into natural climate solutions pathways that demonstrate the full climate potential of nature.

Global Insights

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Our groundbreaking study found that natural climate solutions can provide up to one-third of the mitigation needed by 2030 to keep global temperatures livable.

Since then, TNC scientists and partners have continued investigating how, when and where to invest in natural climate solutions to deliver on the world's most urgent climate goals. Our experts have published more than 50 studies that demonstrate the power of natural climate solutions in the United StatesCanadaIndonesia and around the world.

Principles of Natural Climate Solutions

Defining what constitutes real, high-integrity natural climate solutions is critical so we can implement them effectively. These principles provide practical guidance on what constitutes a natural climate solution so that investments can be made with confidence. NCS must be nature-basedsustainableclimate-additionalmeasurable and equitable

Explore the principles and tenets RETURN

See the Peer-Reviewed Scientific Studies

  • Natural Climate Solutions (Griscom et al.)

    Groundbreaking research by TNC and 15 other institutions, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Read key takeaways from the study

  • More NCS Research

    Explore our Natural Climate Solutions Resource Center to see the latest science, research and case studies demonstrating how nature can help increase carbon storage and avoid greenhouse gas emissions around the world. See a list of studies about NCS

What are the other benefits of natural climate solutions?

Co-Benefits of Natural Climate Solutions

Natural climate solutions are good for people and nature. Strategies to protect, better manage and restore ecosystems not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, they can also promote biodiversity, provide clean air and water, and make communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

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