


Water and Nature

a collection of photos of freshwater, including aerial view of a river, a man standing on a small boat, a marsh, and a young girl collecting water

The Water and Nature Declaration

No water security without ecological security
No ecological security without water security

A virtuous cycle exists between the integrity of our shared water resources and the health of the planet’s natural systems. Public policies dedicated to improving water security and those focused on ecological security, therefore, must be better coordinated and more thoughtfully integrated by all vested parties.

The Water and Nature Declaration is an initiative of the World Water Council that aims to strengthen the links between water practitioners and the nature community and foster a new level of collaboration.

Only by breaking down barriers and working together can we deliver water security and ecological security for all. Please join us.


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The Declaration

No water security without ecological security
No ecological security without water security

On the initiative of the World Water Council and its partners, the signatories of this declaration

View the Declaration in English | French


Sign the Declaration to show your support >



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