


Biodiversity Action Guide

Strategies for achieving a nature-positive planet

A collage of silhouetted animal, plant and people photos behind a gradient of yellow, green, orange and blue.
Biodiversity Action Guide This document is a guide to some of the case studies, strategies and tools that can inspire action and ensure success for sovereign nations stepping up with bold commitments. © The Nature Conservancy

To truly realize a future that’s durable for people and the planet, we need a swift transition to a nature-positive, carbon-neutral world—and that means reversing and halting global biodiversity loss by 2030.

The Nature Conservancy has produced a Biodiversity Action Guide offering key strategies for increasing biodiversity conservation that are scalable—focused on protecting intact natural systems and inclusive of authentic community partnership. The guide highlights 17 real-world examples from around the globe to show how partnership with public and private sector leaders can achieve ambitious conservation targets.

collage of silhouetted animal, plant and people photos under a gradient of oranges, yellows, blues and greens
Biodiversity Action Guide A guide highlighting 5 key strategies to put us on a more diverse and resilient path. © TNC
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collage of silhouetted animal, plant and people photos under a yellow, green, orange and blue gradient
Biodiversity Action Guide A guide highlighting 5 key strategies to put us on a more diverse and resilient path. © TNC

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The Biodiversity Action Guide offers key strategies for increasing biodiversity conservation that are scalable—focused on protecting intact natural systems and inclusive of authentic community partnership. The guide highlights 14 real-world examples from around the globe to show how partnership with public and private sector leaders can achieve ambitious conservation targets.