Notes from the Field
A video series where cutting-edge science meets adorable animals
Welcome to Notes from the Field, a video series straight from our TNC scientists in the field.
Meet some of the amazing species that support the ecosystems we all rely on—they’re also pretty cute! This variety of life is what we call biodiversity. The habitat we protect for these species can sequester carbon at incredible rates, a critical tool in our fight against climate change.
EPISODE 13: A Road Trip Like No Other
EPISODE 12: The Secrets of the Mojave
EPISODE 11: Environmental Education
EPISODE 10: Mapping Kelp with Drones
EPISODE 9: Rats! Protecting Santa Cruz Island from Furry Invaders
EPISODE 8: Building Homes for Salmon
Quote: Dave Wright
Studies have shown that important watersheds like the Ten Mile and Garcia Rivers only have about 5% of the salmon habitat they once had. So, TNC decided to change that.
EPISODE 7: Scouting for Whales
EPISODE 6: Join the Fire Line on a Controlled Burn!
EPISODES 4 & 5: Tracking the Elusive Giant Kangaroo Rat and Blunt Nosed Leopard Lizard
EPISODE 3: Red-legged Frogs Hop to New Habitat
Global Land Protection
Be it blunt-nosed lizards or kangaroo rats, we're committed to protecting life on Earth.
Our 2030 Biodiversity Goals