

Climate Change Stories

TNC at New York Climate Week 2024

Aerial view of the Manhattan skyline from Governors Island in the New York Harbor.
Manhattan Skyline View of the Manhattan skyline from Governors Island in the New York Harbor. © Diane Cook and Len Jenshel

What is New York Climate Week?

Climate Week NYC brings together leaders from business, academia, government, civil society and the climate sector for the largest annual climate event of its kind, hosting 600 events and activities across the City of New York. Each year, these leaders and decision makers from around the world gather to drive and champion climate action.

This year, Climate Week NYC is being held from September 22-29, 2024 with the theme, It's Time. 

In support of this call for urgency, TNC is elevating three central themes that are critical to achieving a net-zero, nature positive future.

TNC's Focal Themes

split image of a mangroze tree, above and below the water.
Mangrove roots and fish at Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Mangrove roots and fish at Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. © Marjo Aho

Accelerating the Power of People and Nature to Tackle the Climate Crisis

A future where the climate crisis is solved by a rapid transition to clean energy that benefits humanity and preserves nature, and thriving ecosystems are embraced for their power to store and remove carbon from the atmosphere and reduce risks to climate-vulnerable communities.

a building covered in plants and hedges.
Greening city spaces Greenery drapes on hedges of Singapore's city buildings. © Unsplash

Leading the Private Sector Toward Net Zero

The private sector plays a critical role in tackling climate change and biodiversity loss. From implementing regenerative agriculture practices to investing in natural climate solutions, companies across sectors can lead the way to a net-zero, nature positive future.

two people measuring the trunk of a tree with a tape measure.
Carbon Monitoring Harti Ningsih and Heri Surriyanto measure a tree trunk for carbon monitoring in Berua District, Indonesia. © Bridget Besaw

Innovations in NCS, Climate Finance, and Carbon Markets

Natural Climate Solutions, or efforts to protect, better manage and restore nature, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and store carbon. Combined with cutting fossil fuels and accelerating renewable energy, natural climate solutions, like improved forest management and regenerative agriculture, offer immediate and cost-effective ways to tackle the climate crisis, while also addressing biodiversity loss and supporting human health and livelihoods. Carbon markets are one mechanism that can finance NCS.  


Online registration for TNC’s events at Scandinavia House and The Nest is now CLOSED.

In person, first-come first-serve registration is available on site for Monday’s REDD+ event at Scandinavia House and for our Wednesday Nest Climate Campus events.

TNC Events at New York Climate Week

The Nature Conservancy at Scandinavia House

58 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016

Join TNC at Scandinavia House on Monday, September 23 for a full day of programming, including a focus on our work in Brazil.

Monday, September 23

  • Title: Direct Access to Climate Finance for Indigenous People in The Amazon Basin

    Description:  Indigenous People do not have direct or equitable access to climate finance, yet are some of the most important stewards of our lands and waters. They are contributing to natural climate solutions without adequate and equitable access to finance, which would allow them to fulfill their territorial management, and governance needs as well as carry out NCS projects, such as the development and expansion of regenerative economies. TNC have been working directly with Indigenous Groups in the Amazon Basin on understanding how to create more accessible and equitable climate finance opportunities. This event will be a completely Indigenous led panel from the Amazon Basin sharing experiences on existing barriers to accessing finance, and how these barriers can be overcome.

    Day: Monday, September 23

    Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    Place: Scandinavia House





    Title: Breaking Silos: Unified Action with the Mangrove Breakthrough

    Description: This event aims to break the silos between policy, finance, and on-the-ground action to catalyze transformative change in mangrove conservation and restoration, building on the momentum of the Mangrove Breakthrough.

    The event will feature a panel discussion that will bring together governments, finance, private sector, philanthropy, and practitioners to explore strategies for dismantling these silos and creating synergies in mangrove action. By uniting these stakeholders under the guiding principles of the Mangrove Breakthrough, the event seeks to mobilize sustainable, long-term finance for impactful mangrove conservation and restoration.

    Day: Monday, September 23

    Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

    Place: Scandinavia House


  • Title: Learning From Early Experiences on Jurisdictional REDD+ Safeguards and Human Rights Screening Tools

    Description: REDD+ is an important financial mechanism for mitigating climate change through forest conservation, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while promoting sustainable land use.  Effective REDD+ Social and Environmental Safeguards are critical to protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, promote biodiversity conservation, and ensure equitable benefit-sharing. Their design, and continuous improvement and implementation constitute a prerequisite for results-based payments from REDD+, and it is vital that subnational jurisdictions prioritize transparency and collaboration to meet sound compliance. More international support is necessary for subnational jurisdictions to plan their programs.

    This session will delve into the crucial topic of designing robust social and environmental safeguards for REDD+ initiatives. We present two tools to strengthen robust design and accountability: the Jurisdictional REDD+ Conformance Framework Toolkit Framework, created by Climate Law and Policy and a Human Rights Screening Checklist. Experts will join a panel discussion to share their experiences.

    Day: Monday, September 23

    Time: 12:00 PM  - 2:00 PM

    Place: Scandinavia House



    Title: Co-constructing Equitable Financial Paradigms for Forest Guardianship 

    Description: Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPs and LCs), recognized as the guardians of forests, govern and manage an estimated 45% of the intact Amazon Forest, 39% of global lands that are in good ecological condition, and 17% of all forest carbon. Despite this, IPs and LCs receive less than 1% of climate mitigation and adaptation aid and only ~5% of financing targeting IPs and LCs is directly allocated to them, with most funding going to international organizations. Indigenous Peoples face a poverty rate more than two times that of the non-Indigenous population in Latin America and are increasingly under threat due to roll-backs in legal protections, encroachment, and political violence. We live in world of stark environmental inequality, where the richest nations and individuals have a carbon footprint more than 120x greater than that of the poorest populations.

    This event will explore strategies for financial and economic systems change to help strengthen rights and income and to clear the way for Indigenous Peoples and local communities to continue championing nature guardianship. We will focus on financial architecture reforms, systems, and actions needed to channel direct financing to forest stewards, to sustain their traditional ways while helping the world meet its climate goals.

    Day: Monday, September 23

    Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

    Place: Scandinavia House



    Title: Finance for Nature and Livelihoods: Sociobioeconomy on the Spot  

    Description: There is an urgent need to reduce nature-negative financial flows and increase funding for nature-positive activities. A thriving sociobioeconomy is essential for rural development with indigenous people and local communities protagonism, climate change mitigation, and community adaptation.

    This event will highlight how combining different sources of financial flows with Nature-based Solutions (NbS) is key to bridging the financial gap and supporting community economies and territorial protection and management.  

    The event will be followed by a cocktail hour from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.

    Day: Monday, September 23

    Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

    Place: Scandinavia House


Tuesday, September 24


    Title: Tackling Deforestation and Transforming Cattle Production in Brazil

    Description: Deforestation is the second largest driver of climate change, with cattle ranching in Brazil responsible for nearly 24% of global tropical deforestation. This event will explore transformative solutions like cattle traceability and pasture restoration, which can help free up land for food production, ensure legal operations, and increase farmers’ incomes.

    Join us to learn how Pará and Mato Grosso, Brazil's leading beef-producing states, are advancing commodity traceability and sustainable development to end deforestation while promoting incentives for both people and nature.

    Day: Tuesday, September 24

    Time: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

    Place: NYU School of Law - 40 Washington Square S.



Wednesday, September 25

  • Title: Tropical Forest Forever Facility (TFFF) as Mechanism to Fund Natural Climate Solutions at Scale

    Description: The Tropical Forest Forever Facility (TFFF) is poised to become a significant mechanism for funding Nature Climate Solutions at scale. In this event, government officials will present progress in developing the TFFF and discuss funding strategies to create strong financial incentives for tropical forest countries committed to forest protection and restoration. The event will also seek contributions from the environmental sector to enhance efforts supporting Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, ensuring the successful implementation of the TFFF.

    Day: Wednesday, September 25

    Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    Place: Scandinavia House

    Register: Closed Event. Please contact for more information.

The Nature Conservancy at The Nest Climate Campus

425 11th Avenue, New York, NY 10001

Join TNC at The Nest Climate Campus at the Javits Center on Wednesday, September 25 for a full day of programming centered on the role of nature in tackling the climate crisis.

Wednesday, September 25

  • Title: Renewables for People and the Planet: Advancing an Industry Standard to Support a Clean, Green, and Equitable Energy Future

    Description: The world must triple renewable energy by 2030 to secure a livable climate future. In the United States and around the world, deployment of renewable energy infrastructure is expanding rapidly. This is good for people and planet. But at a local level, communities see an expansion that brings opportunities and concerns—what will a renewable energy project do for—or to—my community and the environment?

    A panel representing industry, environmental, and community perspectives will discuss the opportunity and growing momentum for an industry standard—one that aligns expectations for how renewable energy projects support community and environmental goals. With local restrictions and conflicts over renewables growing, could such a standard help build the “social license” momentum for a rapid, green and equitable renewable energy transition? Please join us for lively discussion. 

    Day: Wednesday, September 25

    Time: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

    Place: The Nest Climate Campus, Javits Center



    Title: Carbon Credits Forward: How a New Vision of The Voluntary Carbon Market Can Help the World Reach Critical Climate Targets

    Description: Surpassing 1.5°C of global warming implies dangerous and widespread impacts on earth. However, companies and countries are not on track to meet their Paris-Aligned 1.5° global climate targets. Time is no longer a luxury the world must close this climate ambition gap. The reality is clear: we need all hands on deck to use every ready, proven and scalable tool now. High-integrity carbon markets can help mobilize corporate ambition and finance to close this emissions gap, but we must address the shortcomings that have caused mistrust among companies and civil society.

    In this session, NGOs, the private sector, and scientists come together to discuss what the path forward for the VCM looks like and how innovation in finance, science and collaboration can help us build up the mechanisms that will help the world achieve our shared climate goals.

    Day: Wednesday, September 25

    Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Place: The Nest Climate Campus, Javits Center



  • Title: Accelerating Adaptation: Mainstreaming nature-based solutions in the race to adapt to increasing floods and drought

    Description: Whether through prolonged droughts or intensifying floods, the impacts of climate change are often most visibly felt through water. Nature can help.  The session will tackle linked market failures (level of investment, local capacity) that are preventing widespread adoption of nature-based solutions (NbS) as a tool to reduce the risk of flood and drought. The session will also showcase real-world examples of how these barriers have been overcome, including with the leadership of forward-looking corporate actors.

    Day: Wednesday, September 25

    Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

    Place: The Nest Climate Campus, Javits Center


  • Title: The Polls Are In and Its Nature for the Win

    Description: The science is clear that we can’t meet our climate goals without nature—but where does the voting public stand on natural climate solutions? Recent national surveys in Brazil, Canada and the U.S. led by TNC provide important lessons for policymakers, corporate leaders and ENGOs about broad public support for nature-based climate solutions in three unique geographies and political and economic scenarios. Our speakers will share perspectives from the policy, corporate and ENGO space about on how these recent NCS opinion polls, and public polls in general, can be leveraged to help drive climate action.

    Moderated by Hazel Wong, Managing Director of Global Conservation Campaigns, TNC 

    With speakers

    • Julie Messias, Secretary of the Environment for the State of Acre, Brazil
    • Michelle Nutting, Director, Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability, Nutrien

    Day: Wednesday, September 25

    Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

    Place: The Nest Climate Campus, Javits Center


  • Title: Innovative Financing for Corporate Decarbonization

    Description: The transition toward a 1.5C future will require aggressive action by the private sector. Despite many leading corporations setting ambitious science-based targets, progress toward decarbonization is slower than needed to avoid the worst effects of climate change. One challenge is the sheer magnitude of investment needed to support the transition. Strong cross-sectoral collaboration is vital to accelerate progress, corporates must secure necessary investment to embark on operational transitions, and financial institutions can play a critical role in facilitating an effective transition to a lower-carbon global economy through allocating capital, developing innovative new investment products and supporting clients.

    In this session, we will convene leaders from different parts of the corporate financial ecosystem to share case studies of innovative approaches to financing corporate decarbonization. The case studies will serve as the jumping off point for a lively discussion amongst panellists and with the audience. The session will conclude with a review of how we can leverage both our successes and the lessons we have learned along the way as we look to accelerate the corporate decarbonization transition.

    Day: Wednesday, September 25

    Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

    Place: The Nest Climate Campus, Javits Center


  • Title: Are Corporate Deforestation commitments working? How do we know?

    Description: Trader companies, the signatories of the 1.5 Roadmap, are central to eliminating deforestation and conversion. They have the direct relationship with producers that other parts of the supply chain don't. They have all made commitments, many of which come due next year. But there is no agreed system for reporting on commitment implementation, and in some key biomes, notably the Brazilian Cerrado, habitat loss is accelerating while good progress on commitment implementation is being claimed. What's happening? How is implementation of these commitments going, and what is good practice on reporting progress? Join the CEOs of Louis Dreyfuss and TNC, along with an expert from the finance industry and from an advocacy NGO, to dive into the issue.

    Day: Wednesday, September 25

    Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    Place: The Nest Climate Campus, Javits Center


Stay in Touch

Reach out to TNC at NYCW

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Media Questions:

Aerial of dense forest carved by a curving blue river.
Crooked Creek Mukwonago River, also known as Crooked Creek, winds through Lulu Lake Preserve and connects many of the lakes within the area. © Fauna Creative