

View of an ocean shore and beach with a wooded hillside in the distance.
Natural Coastlines Protect A beach at Cedar Point County Park in East Hampton on Long Island in New York creates a protective buffer between Long Island Sound and Riverhead residents on the North Fork. © AdobeStock

Stories in New York

New Yorkers Are Rising to the Challenge of Climate Change

Communities are redesigning their neighborhoods so they can thrive now and long into the future.

Woman in pink and red coat with gloves and a cap with chest waders sits in the water at the shorelines with restoration equipment in the foreground.
Repairing Streams & Protecting People The Nature Conservancy’s NY director of climate adaptation dons a warm coat and chest waders to monitor stream restoration efforts in Riverhead, New York. © Julie Nace

Strong, frequent heatwaves, storms, and droughts are here to stay, and more are on their way. Climate change demands we do things differently. New York residents are teaming up to improve community safety and quality of life. The Nature Conservancy works with community members, public leaders, family farmers, and diverse partners to reduce the risks of heatwaves, storms, and droughts. By proactively working together, we can save lives, protect homes, businesses, and farms, and build a safer world for all of us – now and long into the future.


  • View over a wooden dock looking down at a pond with many oval water plants floating on the surface.

    State Lawmakers Expand Wetland Protections in Landmark Conservation Victory

    In the 2023 New York budget, Governor Hochul and the State Legislature increased state protections for freshwater wetlands, which were at risk of being lost forever. Wetlands prevent flooding, trap pollution, and clean our air and water. Read our story.

  • Cover of a report for Floodplain Buyouts.

    Improving Community Safety Through Voluntary Buyout Programs

    The need for voluntary buyouts of storm-damaged properties is rising rapidly, but programs can be slow and inequitable. How can buyout programs be improved for residents and program staff? Read the full report.

  • A person swimming through a cresting wave with a green mountain in the background.

    Protecting Clean Water and Increasing Community Safety

    A report by The Nature Conservancy and A.R. Siders at the Disaster Research Center examines how local wetland and stream regulations can be used to prevent harmful flooding by drawing on the experiences of three New York towns. Read the report.


  • Two people standing over garden beds.

    Community Visioning: Creating a Safer Future Together

    In response to local disasters, two New York communities explore how they can use flood-damaged, vacant lots to create a safer future for themselves. Listen to residents and leaders talk about their vision for their community. Watch the video.

  • Graphic of a shoreline landscape with two boats out in the water. The sun is setting in the background and the words "We can build a brighter future together" are typed across the sky.

    Green Buffer Zones: Community Amenities for a Brighter Tomorrow

    In New York, 90 percent of residents live along lakes, rivers, streams or the ocean, which means our communities are increasingly vulnerable to flooding from storms and rising seas. Watch this animation to learn more.

  • Two people walking away down a graveled path in a wooded section of a neighborhood with the roof of a house emerging in the distance.

    Higher Ground: Building New York City’s Blue Belt for Storm Resilience

    On Staten Island, The Nature Conservancy partnered with U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service to reduce flooding in Midland Beach by purchasing storm-damaged homes. Learn how this innovative partnership helped residents choose a safer future.


  • Graphic of a slide deck that says, "Where We Need to Be" followed by a decision-making framework.

    Flood Adaptation Hierarchy

    The Nature Conservancy’s Flood Adaptation Hierarchy is a decision-making framework that prioritizes natural systems (such as wetlands) as the preferred climate adaptation strategy and incorporates equity principals. Read the executive summary.

  • Aerial view of Zoar Valley in New York.

    Climate Resilient Grant Program

    The goal of The Nature Conservancy’s Climate Resilience Grant Program is to support partners in protecting lands and waters critical for adapting to climate change while prioritizing the needs of local people and communities. Learn more

  • Map of Long Island

    LI Road-Stream Crossing Prioritization Tool

    This tool helps partners, planners, and transportation organizations better plan and prioritize road-stream crossing replacements. It incorporates critical measurements of flood vulnerability, ecosystem health and aquatic organism passage and more! Use the tool

  • Map with points of Lake Champlain area.

    Lake Champlain Basin Road-Stream Crossing Assessment Tool

    This tool incorporates critical measurements of flood vulnerability, ecosystem health and aquatic organism passage, and transportation metrics, which allows partners to identify the crossings with the highest co-benefits as a priority. Explore the tool

  • Aerial view of town with words on top saying "New York Land Trusts and Buyouts."

    Land Trusts and Buyouts

    This report shares the process and outcomes of two phases of exploring an effort to build local land trusts’ expertise and engagement on coastal/floodplain land acquisitions in partnership with each other and The Nature Conservancy. Read more