

In this view from under and above water, two people in wet suits harvest seaweed from the waters of Belize.
Seaweed farmers in Belize Mariko Wallen and Louis Godfrey are seaweed farmers in Placencia, Belize. They farm two species: Eucheuma (for consumption) and Gracilaria (used for skin treatments and cosmetics). Their farm is part of a program sponsored by TNC to bring seaweed aquaculture to the area in cooperation with the Placencia Fishermen Cooperative. © Randy Olson/TNC

To meet the Global Biodiversity Framework and Paris Agreement goals, including protecting 30% of the world’s land and waters by 2030, decisive action is required.

Nature Bonds projects refinance debt to unlock funds to implement strong conservation plans to help national governments and local communities preserve biodiversity and enhance climate resilience.

Thumbnail of cover of Nature Bonds Project Toolkit.
Nature Bonds Toolkit A step-by-step guide designed for governments, partners, and other stakeholders seeking a thorough understanding of the process, best practices, and crucial considerations for world-class impact.

This cover of the toolkit features an image taken partially above water and partially under water. A small tree-covered island is seen in the distance above water, and under water is coral reef.

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To meet the Global Biodiversity Framework and Paris Agreement goals, including protecting 30% of the world’s land and waters by 2030, decisive action is required.

Nature Bonds projects refinance debt to unlock funds to implement strong conservation plans to help national governments and local communities preserve biodiversity and enhance climate resilience.

Thumbnail of cover of Nature Bonds Project Toolkit.
Nature Bonds Toolkit A step-by-step guide designed for governments, partners and other stakeholders seeking a thorough understanding of the process, best practices and crucial considerations for world-class impact.

Download the Toolkit

Please view and download the Nature Bonds Toolkit below—available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.